Servicing Nationwide Alp Copier Lease Specialistsis a big area to cover, this is why we have over 200 IT specialists ready for dispatch to make sure your copier printer is never down. We will not only take the time to dig deep and find out what your true needs are. Over the last 22ye...
• Place the machine near an electrical wall outlet that provides 120 V AC (60 Hz) power. • Place the machine near the PC you will be connecting it to. Make sure you can reach it easily, as you will be using the machine as a printer, fax machine, copier, and telephone. • ...
speak to his supervisor. I got hung up on. Then i called right back and He said the supervisor was busy and would call me back. That was yesterday and I still have not heard back from him. So, then I figured I would see what I could do to fix my printer problem and guess what...