喷墨打印机 > 佳能 > 佳能TS3522 a axon_us海外官方旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.6 高 物流履约: -- -- 售后服务: 4.0 低 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 佳能(Canon)PIXMA TS3522 无线彩色喷墨式一体机 打印机 京东价 ¥降价通知 ...
佳能(Canon)CanonPIXMA TS3522 无线彩色喷墨式一体机 打印机 机 打印机 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 进口税 税费信息 税费详情: 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 更多商品信息 上翻下翻 LycheePINK海外卖场店 店铺星级 商品评价4.6 高 物流履约-- -- ...
To connect your PIXMA TS3520 / PIXMA TS3522 to your wireless network, you can use an app available from the Google Play Store. To do this, please follow these steps: 1. Turn your PIXMA TS3520/TS3522 off. 2. On your Android phone (or tablet), plea...
1. Turn your PIXMA TS3520/TS3522 off. 2. On your iPhone, please open the App Store to download and install: Canon PRINT 3. Once installed, if the app is open on your iPhone, please close it. 4. Turn your PIXMA TS3520/TS3522 back on. "0" should...
1、先给打印机通电,然后打开打印机的盖子,让打印机墨盒积到左边,然后取出要加墨的墨盒。 2、取出墨盒,用手找到墨盒的凹部,拆开上方薄膜。墨水注入孔位于薄膜下方。黑色墨盒只有一个孔,彩色墨盒有三个孔,分别是上红、左蓝、右黄。 3、撕下薄膜后,找到注墨孔,用钉子、镊子等工具将球拔...
Canon Canon PIXMA TS3522 无线喷墨多功能打印机 $54.00 CanonWalmart打印机/墨盒 84 Walmart直达购买链接 相似同款 $379.99$649.99 Canon Color imageCLASS MF751Cdw 多功能彩色激光打印机 登录下单得50%积分 查看详情去购买 Staples $249.99$399.99 Canon imageCLASS MF654Cdw 无线多功能彩色激光打印机 ...
Welcome to simple and intuitive printing with the PIXMA TS3522 Wireless All-in-One Printer. Easy to setup and easy to use with a simple to replace 2-Cartridge FINE Hybrid Ink System, improved Wi-Fi® setup through Wireless Connect, a Rear Paper Tray for...
It’s small enough to fit a standard shelf or office cabinet and light enough to be carried when you need a printer when traveling. Lastly, the Canon Pixma TS3522 wireless can also connect to a computer with a USB or HDMI cable, ensuring that you can print documents and images when ...
Seek unlimited services for Canon printer without any disturbance by making a call on Canon Printer Support Number where all technical glitches are resolved in a perfect way. So, what are you waiting for, just seek the fantastic services for Canon printe
Find support for your Canon PIXMA TS3522. Browse the recommended drivers, downloads, and manuals to make sure your product contains the most up-to-date software.