The PowerShot A2500 has a 5x optical zoom with a range equivalent to 28-140mm and a maximum aperture of f2.8. This is the same lens as on the earlier A2300 and is also the same lens that’s used on every other PowerShot in the A-series range with the exception of the flagship Pow...
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TheCanon Powershot A2500is a Ultra-Compact Digital Camera with a 1/2.3" sensor. Its16 Megapixels CCDsensor offers an ISO 100-1600 sensitivity range which is expandable to ISO 100-1600. With 16 MP of resolution, sharp prints are possible up to 19" x 14" at 240 DPI. ...
Canon PowerShot A2500 Sony Cyber-shot W710 设计光学摄像电池功能 23 分 25 分 为什么Canon PowerShot A2500优于Sony Cyber-shot W710? 在拍摄影片时可进行连续自动对焦 ? 具有热靴接口 ? 最短焦距的光圈大12.5% ? f/2.8vsf/3.2 曝光时间长13 s
Canon PowerShot A2500 HTC Re 设计光学摄像电池 23 分 49 分 为什么Canon PowerShot A2500优于HTC Re? 具有自动对焦追踪功能 ? 在拍摄影片时可进行连续自动对焦 ? 具有可拆卸电池 ? 具有热靴接口 ? 有连续拍摄模式 ? 有手动ISO ? 具有闪光灯 ?
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Canon's PowerShot S2 IS overcomes most of those shortcomings and increases the camera's utility as a digital still/video hybrid. Of the two main (only?) complaints with the S1 IS, the first is not really all that valid: Folks wooed by high pixel counts were put off by the S1's 3.2...
The LCD display or the lens of the Canon PowerShot A2500 may be dirty. Before replacing the lens or display, wipe the lens using rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab. This will ensure that there is no residue left on the lens of the camera. After the lens has been cleaned take another ...
佳能(Canon)/ PowerShot A2300 复古高清ccd数码 A2200A2300A2500(1600万)黑粉 套餐二图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
FYI per the DPR's G5 SpecsHERE; the G5 does not have a built-in ND Filter. If you do not have the manual for the camera do a online search for the camera to find review, PDF Manual, etc. Jon_T's gear list: Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ200Canon PowerShot G15Canon PowerShot S110Panason...