佳能(Canon)canon PIXMA G6020 无线 MegaTank 多合一打印机 喷墨式打印机 墨式打印机图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
佳能Canon PIXMA G6020 多功能一体 打印机驱动 下载 版本:v1.01 发布日期:2021-10-15 适用于:Windows 7 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 32/64位操作系统。
HP Smart Tank 5102 Wireless All-in-One Ink Tank Printer with 2 years of ink 9144.2 out of 5 Stars. 914 reviews Save with Canon PIXMA G6020 MegaTank Wireless All-in-One Printer Add $296.95current price $296.95Canon PIXMA G6020 MegaTank Wireless All-in-One Printer 2163.8 out of 5 Stars....
I have a PIXMA G6020 Megatank printer. The printer doesnot print M and Y color since yesterday and I tried Cleaning, Deep cleaning and nozzle check nothing helps me. Then it suddenly shows Error 5200 and i troubleshooted as per canon troubleshoot guidlines, error gone but still its ...
Finally, if looking for something either intuitive or extremely high-end, you’ll probably have to look elsewhere. The Canon Pixma G6020 is neither. If it lasts long enough to go through boxes of reams, it’ll probably be remembered as the most cost-effective printer you’ve ever owned. ...
Shop now for the Canon 2319C002 PIXMA TS202 Inkjet Printer. High-quality prints at affordable prices!
Suitable for :Canon PIXMA G5020 G6020 G7020 Inkjet Printers Ink capacity:PGBK 135ML/bottle and C/M/Y 70ML/bottle BK is pigment ink,C/M/Y is dye ink BK ink capacity could be 170ML/135ML/70ML Quantity:144 bottles/carton Color:Black,Cyan...
欧柯适用佳能890墨水G2810 G3800 G1800 G3000 G2800 G1810打印机 欧柯品牌 一件代发 ¥5.6 北京山川河岳贸易发展有限公司4年 兼容佳能Canon PIXMA Pro-1打印机墨盒PGI-29 pro1墨盒 颜料墨水 梦翔品牌 一件代发 ¥28.0 中山梦彩打印耗材有限公司13年 ...
170Ml 70ml墨适用CANON GI-20墨水适用佳能G5020/G6020墨仓打印机 珠海佳墨科技有限公司7年 回头率:60% 广东 珠海市 ¥39.00成交2个 不褪色能防水gx3080四色4080填充墨水GI86通用佳能彩色喷墨打印机 中山市合韵打印耗材有限公司3年 回头率:11.5%
After finishing the wireless setup, you may see a prompt similar to the following. If you want to save the network information in Canon PRINT to make it easy to reconnect this printer in the future, or to add a new printer, make sure theSavebox is checked, then tapOK. ...