Canon 佳能 PIXMA MX922 彩色喷墨一体机已经兢兢业业为我和家人服务两年了,MX922集彩打、复印、扫描、传真于一体,可以双面打印、双面复印、扫描,可以打印照片,这款Canon 佳能 PIXMA MX922 彩色喷墨一体机刷新了我对喷墨打印机的很多错误认识。 ⬆️1年前4月份,我将自己使用这款MX9221年后的体验粗略的写了一...
好价 Canon 佳能 PIXMA MX922 无线一体机 ¥75 考虑到我用来办公比较多,MX922比MG7520多了个输稿器,可以多页扫描复印,十分实用;另外值友对MX92照片的打印效果好评也还OK,果断下单了~ 用的招行卡,汇率约6.4,算下来922¥左右~和机子型号数字一样,是不是也是种猿粪 ...
Canon 佳能 PIXMA MX922 彩色喷墨一体机已经兢兢业业为我和家人服务两年了,MX922集彩打、复印、扫描、传真于一体,可以双面打印、双面复印、扫描,可以打印照片,这款Canon 佳能 PIXMA MX922 彩色喷墨一体机刷新了我对喷墨打印机的很多错误认识。 文章 Canon 佳能 PIXMA MX922 彩色喷墨一体机的使用报告 sabayonlinux ...
2. Open the print head bay (as though you were about to change inks) 3. Turn ON power 4. Wait for print carriage to start moving to the left and let it go past half way 5. Before print carriage reaches left hand side (but after going halfway across) shut the...
Canon PIXMA MX922是佳能推出的专业商务传真一体机,国内型号为腾彩PIXMA MX928,是该系列的旗舰型号,功能非常强大。全钢琴黑盒式设计,配合3.0”彩屏双功能操控面板,彰显高端商务机形象。内置中文,同时具备打印、复印、扫描和传真功能,打印分辨率高达9600*2400dpi,扫描精度也达到了2400*4800dpi,性能出色。可连接Wi-Fi无线...
PIXMA MX922 with error code B200 (Series MX920) Go to solution gnc Contributor 07-08-2017 01:20 PM How do you clear the B200 Support Code on my Printer? I can't do anything with the printer until the B200 code is removed and does not pop up as ...
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Canon佳能MX922彩色喷墨传真无线一体机,集打印、复印、扫描、传真功能于一体,是佳能MX系列的高配版版,主要增加了AP模式,打印机可自建wifi,设备连接即可,无需额外添置路由器。 机身配有一块3.0英寸LCD显示,打印分辨率高达9600*2400dpi,扫描精度也达到了2400*4800dpi。此款打印机具有自动双面复印和扫描功能,不需手动翻页...
Useij.start canonto set up your Canon product. Get inkjet Canon printer and scanner support here. You can learn for Canon PIXMA, imagePROGRAF, MAXIFY, CanoScan, and others. Canon ij printeris a complete solution for multiple works that you can easily learn to set up fromij.start.cannonand... That should resolve the driver issues. Also check for firmware updates. (I’d usually have looked up the firmware details for you in the user manual, but that needs to use a Mac to unpack a DMG to read their provided a PDF! I’m...