佳能canon pixma mg3500 series打印机驱动是一款非常优秀的驱动程序,让你可以完美的与电脑连接适配,并且可以对其相关参数进行系统性的调节,帮助你更加出色的完成日常任务,还能随时检测出打印机的故障问题,有需要的用户快来旋风软件园下载吧! 软件介绍 最为一款家用打印设备,在设备的设计制作以及相关软件的辅助,佳能MG3580...
佳能MG3500 series驱动是由佳能官方推出的一款驱动程序,适用于型号MG3500 series一体机,若是您使用的是该型号的一体机,并且出现了一体机运行异常或无法运行的问题,可以下载使用这款驱动,帮助你解决这些问题。 安装方法 1、下载驱动解压缩,双击运行“mp68-win-mg3500-1_01-ea32_2.exe”文件 2、进入驱动安装向导界面...
佳能Canon Pixma MG3500 series 驱动 驱动类别:佳能打印机驱动下载 驱动大小:25.17 MB 程序语言:简体中文 收录日期:2014-12-02 制作发行:佳能 售后支持:400-622-2666 驱动授权:免费版 围观次数: 应用平台:Win 11/Win 10/Win 7/Win XP 下载帮助:亲,不知道怎样下载?点我下载帮助!
When I do that through the app, it doesn't give me the choice to select the mg3500. There isn't even a 3500 series choice at all. If I go to the set up site (independent of the app) the 3520 is an option. I don't know what else to do. I am not able to...
Specifications: Product Name: Remanufactured Ink Cartridge Compatible Brand: Canon Model: PG540, CL541 Color: Black & Tri-color (C, M, Y) Type: Larger capacity Feature: Easy to add ink Compatible printer models: For Canon Pixma MX374 MX375 MX395, MG3155 MG3200 MG3250 MG3255 MG3500 MG355...
如果由于白色条纹、线条偏移或颜色不均匀而造成打印效果不理想,请首先确认纸张和打印质量设置。检查1 页尺寸和介质类型设置是否与已装入纸张的尺寸和类型一致? 如果这些设置不正确,则无法获得正确的打印结果。 如果打印照片或插图,不正确的纸张类型设置可能会降低打印输出色彩的质量。 同样,如果使用错误的纸张类型设置打印...
Install the driver automatically Download driver Canon EOS 350D Driver Install the driver automatically Download driver Canon iR2270 Driver Install the driver automatically Download driver Canon MG3500 Series Printer Driver Install the driver automatically Download driver Canon PIXMA MP160 Driver Install the ...
For scanning you only need the ICA driver version 4.1.3 and the MG3500 series driver version for the printer. Also there is a firmware update for the printer that you should install. This might be the reason for your problems. Everything should work properly after this. It's ...
For Canon PIXMA MG3500 MG3550 MG3600 MG3650 MG4100 MG4150 MG4200 MG4250 For Canon PIXMA MX375 MX435 MX475 MX515 MX525 MX535 MX455 MX395 Contact us before purchase or after received product when you have any question, we will give you best service. ...
PIXMA MG3500 Series: New MAC OS System Now Scanner Doesn't Work Go to solution gebhart23 Apprentice 09-07-2021 10:16 AM - last edited on 09-12-2024 12:03 PM by Danny I've recently updated my MAC OS system on a MacBook Air. Now the the Canon...