Okay so on my printer the display screen shows a flashing P10 with the green power light flashing and the orange light flashing that is next to the triangle with a zigged line in the middle of it. On my Canon app on my phone an error code 7500 appears. Apparently this code means it...
In 1978, they created the first portable calculator with the ability to print called the Canon P10-D. The following year, they released the Canon LBP-10, the first semiconductor laser beam printer in the world. In 1985, Canon released the BJ-80 inkjet printer, the world’s first printer ...
10 次 VH 监视器错误 [B200] P10 打印头电压异常. 更换下列项: - 墨水小车 - 逻辑板 20 次 其他硬件故障 [6500] P20 未知错误或网络故障. 更换下列项(列出可能有错误的部件): - 逻辑板 - WLAN 板 22 次 扫描故障 [5011] P22 扫描单元故障. 更换下列项(列出可能有错误的部件): - 扫描单元 - 逻辑...
My setup: Canon G7X Mk2, Huawei P10, USB reader AXAGON CRE-SAC. 0 Likes Reply egzi Apprentice In response to Icinn 01-16-2022 03:40 PM On the G9x m2 there is an option to enable sending movies to image.cannon under settings / Wireless settings / wif...
|p20−2p10+p00|+|p23−2p13+p03|+|q20−2q10+q00|+|q23−2q13+q03|<β If this sum is low enough, the blocks on each side are considered susceptible enough to noticeable blocking artefacts, and deblocking continues with step 213, otherwise the set of pixels is considered not to...
佳能mg7780报错6000,维修手册,技术资料,6000 错误 进纸部件错误中打印头温度过高。更换墨水盒或逻辑板。可以更换墨盒。也可以把没有墨水的墨盒加点墨水就会好的。类似打印头温度保护的措施,防止打印头温度过高,而烧坏打印头和墨水盒 苏州维修696l6769,维修,售后服务 ...
佳能mx378开机后提示机盖开启,除了开机按钮其它按钮都按了都没反应 佳能达人发表于 2022/7/2 盖子重新开关试试,或感应器有问题了 一米阳光发表于 2022/7/3 盖子的门开关没有顶到位或者传感器不良 企业一站式服务,上门维修,耗材配送 >>如果您是苏州用户,且遇到同样的问题无法解决的,可致电售后维修电话:0512-...