The meaning of CANON is a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council. How to use canon in a sentence. What is the difference between cannon and canon? Synonym Discussion of Canon.
The meaning of CANON LAW is the usually codified law governing a church. How to use canon law in a sentence.
the body of rules, principles, or standards accepted as axiomatic and universally binding in a field of study or art: the neoclassical canon. a fundamental principle or general rule: the canons of good behavior. a standard; criterion: the canons of taste. the books of the Bible recognized by...
The secular canon, with the word meaning a catalog of approved authors, does not actually begin until the middle of the eighteenth century ... [Harold Bloom, "The Western Canon," 1994]. "世俗经典" 这个词的含义是指经过批准的作者目录,实际上直到18世纪中期才开始出现... [哈罗德·布鲁姆,《西方...
First Thessalonians apparently enjoys the distinction of being the first of Paul’s letters to become part of the Bible canon. [si p. 227 par. 帖撒罗尼迦前书看来是保罗的书信中最先成为圣经正典的一本。[《 jw2019 Marriages entered into in accordance with the canons or rules of any religio...
Canon (one “n”) refers to a collection of rules or texts that are considered to be authoritative. Shakespeare and Chaucer are part of the canon of Western literature, so you might read their work in an English class.
1400 as "the Scriptures, the books of the Bible accepted by the Christian church," also extended to secular books of admitted excellence or supremacy. Fandom sense "material regarded as veritable" is by 1934, originally in reference to the Sherlock Holmes series. The meaning "catalogue of ...
This exhaustive volume of 979 pages focuses on Part 1: Languages, Writing Systems, and Book Production; Part 2: The Hebrew Bible and Old Testaments; Part 3: the New Testament; Part 4: Biblical Versions Other than the Hebrew and Greek; Part 5: The Reception of the Bible in the Post–...
Define Sacred canon. Sacred canon synonyms, Sacred canon pronunciation, Sacred canon translation, English dictionary definition of Sacred canon. See Canon, n., 3. See also: Sacred Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam
The termcanon, from a Hebrew-Greek word meaning “cane” or “measuring rod,” passed into Christian usage to mean “norm” or “rule of faith.” The Church Fathers of the 4th centurycefirst employed it in reference to the definitive,… ...