4 To use a contextually similar scriptural quote, "[Scripture] must increase, but [method] must decrease."5If method is to serve one's interpretation of Scripture, then Christians need a theological method that faithfully represents the total dimensions of the biblical text. The canonical ...
et seq.). Another designation, ("that which is read"), applied to the whole of Scripture, is founded upon the custom of reading the Holy Scriptures to the people on Sabbaths and holidays: it is a term frequently opposed to and , which designate oral teaching (Ned. iv. 3; Ḳid. i...
S. (2009), A High View of Scripture? The Authority of the Bible and the Formation of the New Testament Canon. Evangelical Ressourcement: Ancient Sources for the Church's Future. By Craig D. Allert. The Heythrop Journal, 50: 133. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2265.2009.00438_14.x Author ...
Works of devotional literature can be defined as belonging to either the scripture or the apocrypha, or whatever equivalent specific terms are used for any given faith. Official sanction may be something formally defined and handled by the owner or steward of a piece of intellectual property. It...
PETER. It is admitted on all hands that the veritable 2 Peter which we now have, was, at the opening of the third century, in the hands of ORIGEN. This, indeed, is reiteratedly plain. He not only quotes its words, but he quotes them as Peter's,1 and as Scripture,2 he ...
The result pastor picture of Paul far different from that found in NT usually SCRIPTURE AND CANON studies. There is sin TRADITION, scarcely any of power-mongering of which the author does not find him to be guilty, Professor W. R. Farmer of Dallas is well-known and he confesses to ...
Nevertheless, neglecting the role of canon as crucial to the interpretive task of Scripture fails to honor the nature of Scripture as it has been providentially preserved and handed down to the church by theHoly Spirit throughout Christian history.The purpose of this paper is to investigate and...