如果您在佳能iB4120, iB4020, g2800, g3810或mg3580打印机上遇到错误5B00,您可能需要重置打印机。要做到这一点,请遵循以下步骤: 1. 关闭打印机并拔掉电源插头。 2. 长按电源按钮1分钟,释放剩余电量。 3.把打印机插回去,然后开机。 4. 长按停止/复位键5秒。 5.释放按钮,等待打印机初始化。 6. 再按住停...
打印出错在canon+mg3600+series+printer上 亲,您好,一般这种情况就是墨盒没有墨水,打印头工作的时候加热导致温度过高,只需要在墨盒里面加一点墨水就行,两个墨盒很容易区分是哪个的问题,哪个最轻就加哪个 ,加墨水后上级,问题就解决了。步骤如下:1. 先按着停止/重置键,然后按电源键开机(别松开...
打印出错在canon+mg3600+series+printer上 支持代码=5100 : 发生打印机错误。解决方法:1. 用酒精擦拭一下打印头跟小车接触的地方,把墨车停止状态时的底座白塑料擦一擦后抹点油应该能解决问题。打印机的墨车(也就是放打印头,并且打印时来回移动的部件)后面有一条深色的塑料定位带,长短和打印机差...
Hi, I just bought a Pixma MG 3020 printer earlier today and it seems it does not connect to my network. I've been trying everything and the print just does't appear on the network. I tried to print the network configuration page from the printer but there's no ip on it...
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I had set up the printer through the wi-fi mode 2.4 GHz and yesterday I had changed the setting on my wi-fi to 5 GHz thinking it would be better. Well not the case for me with the Canon MG3650. Apparantly, the range is better with 2.4GHz so check your wi-fi mode...
Scanning Methods When pull-scanning (scanning from a computer) Error message is displayed. When push-scanning (scanning from MF machines) “Connect the computer” ...Printing Scanning Updated macOS Compatibility List for Inkjet Printer / Scanner ...
My 3650 is connected to my iMac by a USB cable. I should note that it worked perfectly until I upgraded to the M3 and Sonoma. The printer itself works ok. I have downloaded all the latest software from Canon and tried restarting the printer and computer, but it makes no difference. ...
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