MG3600 error light on constantly and printer doesn't work. Won't allow me to change cartridges. Cordt42 Apprentice 12-12-2023 06:36 PM 0 Likes Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 5 REPLIES StevenMOD Moderator 12-12-2023 06:39 ...
打印出错在canon+mg3600+series+printer上 亲,您好,一般这种情况就是墨盒没有墨水,打印头工作的时候加热导致温度过高,只需要在墨盒里面加一点墨水就行,两个墨盒很容易区分是哪个的问题,哪个最轻就加哪个 ,加墨水后上级,问题就解决了。步骤如下:1. 先按着停止/重置键,然后按电源键开机(别松开...
打印出错在canon+mg3600+series+printer上 支持代码=5100 : 发生打印机错误。解决方法:1. 用酒精擦拭一下打印头跟小车接触的地方,把墨车停止状态时的底座白塑料擦一擦后抹点油应该能解决问题。打印机的墨车(也就是放打印头,并且打印时来回移动的部件)后面有一条深色的塑料定位带,长短和打印机差...
The Canon MG3600 Series Printer is a versatile and efficient device ideal for both personal and professional use. To ensure optimum performance, it is essential to install the right drivers for your printer. The drivers serve as a communication link between the computer and the printer, enabling ...
佳能Canon MG3600 series Printer 打印机驱动 官方正式版 For Win7-64 操作系统:Win7-64 发布厂商:佳能 发布日期:2020/07/09 文件容量:524KB 驱动种类:官方正式版 适应硬件:打印机驱动 驱动说明: Canon MG3600打印机驱动2.90.2.10版 【如何更新和安装 佳能__Canon MG3600 series Printer
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Scanning Methods When pull-scanning (scanning from a computer) Error message is displayed. When push-scanning (scanning from MF machines) “Connect the computer” ...Printing Scanning Updated macOS Compatibility List for Inkjet Printer / Scanner ...
In uninstalled MacAffee and tried again to get the driver in stall and again got a message the the printer could not be detected and the installation failed. The Canon website states that the MG 252X is compatible with Windows 11, but clearly it is not. Canon Support is n...
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如果您在佳能iB4120, iB4020, g2800, g3810或mg3580打印机上遇到错误5B00,您可能需要重置打印机。要做到这一点,请遵循以下步骤: 1. 关闭打印机并拔掉电源插头。 2. 长按电源按钮1分钟,释放剩余电量。 3.把打印机插回去,然后开机。 4. 长按停止/复位键5秒。