Product Support : LASER SHOT LBP2900/ 2900B 滚动到最下面,看到[Windows 64bit] LBP2900/2900B CAPT Printer Driver (R1.50 Ver.3.30) 点击这个链接,自动打开下载页面,点击download按钮,开始下载驱动文件LBP2900_R150_V330_W64_uk_EN_2.exe 2.运行下载好的驱动文件,得到文件夹LBP2900_R150_V330_W64_uk_...
canon佳能LBP2900+打印机 凭证小型A4 纸家用黑白激光打印机 Canon/佳能品牌 48小时发货 ¥1350.0 广州精湛电子科技有限公司8年 used Canon fully refurbished 2900/2900+ office printer 佳能品牌 48小时发货 ¥693.5 广州顺风办公设备有限公司5年 Canon/佳能LBP2900+ 黑白激光打印机 ...
Product Support : LASER SHOT LBP2900/ 2900B 滚动至页面底部,找到[Windows 64bit] LBP2900/2900B CAPT Printer Driver (R1.50 Ver.3.30)点击链接,自动打开下载页面,点击download按钮,开始下载驱动文件LBP2900_R150_V330_W64_uk_EN_2.exe 2.运行下载好的驱动文件,得到文件夹LBP2900_R150_...
二手佳能2900 6018 LBP2900 3000激光打印机 A4家用办公黑白凭证 深圳市龙岗区宇豪办公设备商行(个体工商户)7年 回头率:2.5% 广东 深圳市 ¥693.50 used Canon fully refurbished 2900/2900+ office printer 广州顺风办公设备有限公司5年 回头率:16.6%
你也可以通过Windows内置的设备管理器安装或更新2900驱动程序。 1、右键单击开始菜单,打开设备管理器。 2、向下滚动到打印机/打印队列类别并双击展开它。 3、右键单击LBP2900/ 2900B打印机,选择“更新驱动程序”。 4、点击“自动搜索更新的驱动软件” 如果有新的佳能2900驱动更新可用,Windows将为你安装到电脑上,这个...
Hello, I am currently developing an android app for usb printers. I test my app with other printer and is successfully print. But with Canon printer model LBP 2900B ,
It sounds like you're having trouble connecting your Canon printer with your Mac. We can help. We took a look, and it doesn't appear that the Canon LBP2900b printer is a compatible model with AirPrint. According to the About AirPrint article, Apple recommends the following: With AirPrint...
After updating to macOS Sonoma - the canon LBP2900B printer stopped functioning.. any solution for this? Thanks in advance... for you third party— I do not see this printer in the Airprint list About AirPrint - Apple Support if in doubt— search the developers website or contact their...
Download Canon LBP2900b Printer Driver (32/64Bit) free is the (Latest) version EXE offline setup file of your Windows 7, 8, 10, XP & Vista. Canon LBP2900b is an
Hardware:Canon i-SENSYS LBP2900B Software type:Driver Software nameCAPT Printer Driver Version:2.70 File Size:121.63Mb Rating: 4.33/5 Archive type:GZ Released:10 Nov 2015 System:Linux x86Linux x86_64 Status:Free Downloads:1350 Description:CAPT Printer Drive...