When you select , the printer is deleted from the Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center. When transferring the ownership of the printer, select Clear the information saved on the printer. Add printers Select this to add printers to be used in the Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center. You need a ...
Error notification. Error Error loading attachments.Press Control + F6 to navigate to the next toast notification or focusable region. Close Error notification.Error Error loading attachments. Press Control + F6 to navigate to the next toast notification or focusable region....
方法/步骤 1 注意事项:如果计划使用Web服务打印文档,务必预先检查这些注意事项。2 打印机规格:确认Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center是否支持所用打印机。部分型号不支持此功能。要检查所用型号是否支持此功能,请参见“支持Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center的型号”。3 网络环境:打印机必须连接到LAN和互联网。...
首先,请前往在线手册主页,并查找您所用型号的“检查打印机信息”部分,以获取详细资料。 步骤2:注册到IJ Cloud Printing Center 在打印机信息页面中,选择IJ Cloud Printing Center设置,然后点击注册到该服务。这将引导您进入注册流程。 步骤3:验证您的帐号 按照窗口中显示的说明进行验证操作。当出现注册准备屏幕时,选...
ProDocument Solutions Inkjet Innovation 2024[ Customer Video ] varioPRESS iV7 Intro Video[ Press Demo ] Canon LabelStream LS2000 Intro Video[ Press Demo ] thINK Ahead 2024 – 10-Year Anniversary[ Video ] PreviousNext InkjetCenter Inkjet technology is quickly transforming the production printing indu...
You may have entered a different e-mail address during the user registration ofCanon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center. If your model has colorLCD monitor Delete the service registration using either of the following procedures. From the home window, select ...