suggest specific code, the expiration of the unknown, communication errors and waste ink, contact the dealer, at this time if you do not have the corresponding reset software, equipment will be like a scrap; Or find a service provider, will be told what change motherboard; Changing ink pad...
选择下面G7XII的相机进入 第七步手 +4 141011 真情以待吧 yoriyi canon ip 1600清零~~使用工具GeneralTool 1.29步骤如下: 1、将打印机电源线拔掉; 2、放进一张A4纸; 3、按住开机键插上电源; 4、不放开开机键的情况下按两下进纸键(第一下按进纸灯亮,第二下按进纸灯灭); 5、放开开机键,此时两个灯都...
So today we hit the infamous error 5B00 due to full ink absorbers. Long sotry short, we managed to find the ink absorbers, pull them out, clean them and put them back in their place. The problem is that the printer absoluetely refuses to go into service mode. When we ...
canon service tools V4200 reset printer code:5B00 1700 PO7 E08 Printers, specially set up a program to determine the customer cleaning and boot the number of times, each time the printer nozzle cleaning, pumping ink motherboard will be accumulated count, and have a upper limit, when the pri...
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