Canon 三五式35mm SLR摄影机说明书
The lenses have weaker coatings than the later SSC lenses (similar to the late generation FLs), but have many optical designs in common with the SSC range. They offer interesting looks, but for a lower price than the later SSCs. Very much worth checking out!Should I only ever pay the ...
镜头结构图: 第一、二代5组5片结构图(螺旋对焦) 第三代6组7片镜片结构图(内对焦) 佳能FD 200/2.8共有三版: 第一版:FD 200mm f/2.8 S.S.C.,镜片5组5片,最近对焦距离1.8m。这一版最好辨别,镜头前口上标注有红色SSC字样...
Let us start with an image thread for Canon FD lenses. I start with the Canon Macro FD 50mm 1:3.5 If you are interested in this lens you can find a small review (in german) on my blog: ma
Check out the Canon FD 50mm and 55mm and 85mm L and ‘SSC Aspherical’ lenses on Ebay. The ones that are still in very good shape with near mint glass conditions reach the price of modern Zeiss and Sony Zeiss 50mm, 55mm and 85mm lenses! You may even observe Otus level prices!!
fd无限远不合焦算一个遗憾了,其实fd里面就fd5014ssc和nfd5014可以玩玩,毕竟是镖头中的镖头,其他的意义不大了85mm FD F1.2無限遠確實不能合焦,師傅原本改成在kodak DCS 14nx 可無限遠合焦,但我的D1H不能用,F5也不能用,所以只好為了在nikon上可拍而犧牲無限遠合焦了。我是為了比nikon 85mm F1.4 ais多那...
Recently acquired a dozen or so Canon FD lenses (primes, 300mm, 100-500mm; mostly manufactured in the 80s) from a retired professional photographer in
In many ways, they were on the right track because as you may or may not know, when the EOS system was released in 1987, one of the selling points was indeed lenses with AF motor in them! But Canon had to ditch their old FD mount and make a whole (then) new EOS mount to ...
discovered by Lord Rayleigh in 1886 and enhanced by Carl Zeiss later, lens coatings made a huge impact on future optics. Basically, coating minimizes lens reflections and increases contrast. All modern Canon lenses are multicoated, so only the oldest of them have the SSC marking on the barrel...
SC and SSC Acronyms for Spectra Coating and Super Spectra Coating, respectively, which made an appearance on Canon lenses at the time of the FD lens. These coatings applied to optical lens elements were meant to increase contrast and decrease any flare and reflections. ...