Beware: there are many Canon FD 50mm f/1.2 lenses, but only some of them are the superior aspherical L version shown here. Look for the "L" and red band. CompatibilityThis 50/1.2L works on all Canon FD-mount cameras, from early cameras like the FTb of 1971 up to the newest AE-1...
Canon New FD 7.5mm f/5.6 (Fish-Eye)9.319.188 Canon New FD 14mm f/2.8L9.6319.689 Canon New FD 15mm f/2.8 (Fish-Eye)9.827.066 Canon New FD 17mm f/48.7431.050 Canon New FD 20mm f/2.89.3527.687 Canon New FD 20mm f/3.5 (Macrophoto)9.217.140 ...
While Canon makes autofocus f/1.2 lenses, Nikon has never made an AF lens faster than f/1.4, a stop slower!The World's Most Advanced 50mm LensThe most advanced manual-focus 50mm lens since 1980 has been Canon's FD 50mm f/1.2 L, which uses an aspheric element and a floating element...
Canon FL 300mm f/5.6 Fluorite04.315 Canon FL 400mm f/5.603.819 Canon FL 500mm f/5.6 Fluorite04.904 Canon FL 600mm f/5.604.493 Canon FL 800mm f/804.234 Canon FL 1200mm f/1103.827 Best FL Prime lenses Canon FL 58mm f/1.2 (mkII)9.3 ...
Canon F-1 35mm 单反相机说明书
Canon T50 35 mm SLR 产品说明书
Canon Macrolite ML-1 闪光灯说明书
拍品终止拍卖:1996年7月25日 关注 分享 试用 细节 Canon lenses comprising aCanonFD f/1.4 50mm. S.S.C lens no. 1166705, aCanonFD f/2.8 28mm. lens no. 1124539 and aVivitar285HV Zoom Thyristor flash
Are breech lock FD lenses and bayonet nFD lenses the same?There are many differences between these lenses. Mounts, coatings, mechanics are all very different. In addition, there are various optical designs that differ between FDs and their nFD counterparts. Your choice of lenses may be driven ...
Canon 三五式35mm SLR摄影机说明书