The error that you described indicates that there is an internal hardware issue with the printer. Please try the following to see if we can resolve your issue: 1. Turn the printer off. 2. Unplug the power from the printer for at least 5-10 minutes. 3. While unplugged, remove any paper...
5. Canon Error 70 1) Description: An error prevented the shooting. 2) Causes of the Canon Error: This error is common with the Canon EOS 5D Mark iii and is caused by a malfunction with an image. It could be a card write error indicating that the image format is not supported by the...
12仓门没关紧 13夹纸 14没鼓,或检测不到 41纸张大小设置不对 51Superrf ine rej 1200dpi打印时,内存容量设置的不对(内存溢出) 17有空纸仓未使用 16碳粉缺少 8F-84 SERVICE CTL SFT E E电源接触问题(如有网卡,请拔掉) 8F-28鼓接触不良 HP-4V等惠普激光机故障代码: HP LASER PRINTER ERROR CODE 5 ...
The scanner is not working. I keep getting an error saying that the Scanner is turned off and the USB is disconnected. Neither are true. The printing function works and
canonMP145 故障维修手册,错误代码和清零方法 Error Code :错误代码)E2-2 = No paper ASFE3-3 = Paper jamE4 = No ink(没有墨水)E5-5 = The ink cartridges are not installed or a non-supported ink cartridge is installed or the ink cartridges are not installed properly(墨盒未正确安装,或不支持...
Error CodeLed Error StatusMessages 5B00, 5B017 times flashing alternating Orange – Green (On Power Lamp and Alarm Lamp)Printer error has occurred.Contact your nearest Canon service center to request a repair 17008 times flashing Orange (On Alarm Lamp)Ink absorber is almost full. Press the print...
Internal ND filters with 5 density settings (2, 4, 6, 8*, 10* stops) *When expansion is selected Focus Control / Assist Focus Control Dual Pixel CMOS AF (DAF), Manual Focus, One-Shot AF, Continuous AF, AF- Boosted MF, Face Detection AF* * Only lenses that support...
CanonErrorCodesE000-E199 E code DescriptionCategoryRemarks E000 ThefixingtemperaturedoesnotgoupafterturningON thepowerduetoafaultinthethermistorortheheater, etc.,(e.g.Itdoesnotreach70°Cdegreeswithin2min.) Relatedfixing unit E001 Thefixingtemperatureabnormallygoesupduetoa ...
In-camera Charging: Equivalent to USB type-C (5 V/1.5 A), but use should be restricted to USB Power Adapter PD-E1. Video Output (UVC). Canon App(s) for iPhone PTP connection/GP-E2 Video Out Terminal HDMI micro OUT terminal Type D (Resolution switches automatically) / CEC not compa...
159 P Code/Error Code/ (Intervalometer)/ r e Interval Shooting Remaining Shots p a r i White Balance Settings 93 n g t h e C a Bracket 100, 102 m e r Flash Exposure Compensation/Flash 107 a , Output Adjustment B a s i Exposure Compensation Level/AEB 92, 100, 107 c Level/Flash...