即日起Canon官方推出了全新计算机端应用程序“EOS Webcam Utility”,顾名思义,就是让用户手上的EOS相机,利用USB线接上计算机后,成为视频会议专用的前镜头,这不仅一下子大幅提升了视频画面品质,更让你的脸部清新度,碾压一起开会的老板与众多同事。目前EOS Webcam Utility仍处于Beta状态,仅支持Windows 10且尚无...
WINDOWS ON ARM PC USERS ONLY: EOS Webcam Utility Pro V2.3b is now available to support Windows on ARM PC users. This software version has been tested with the following applications: ZOOM, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Meet (Chrome), Facebook Messenger (Chrome), Facebook Live (Chrome),...
WINDOWS ON ARM PC USERS ONLY: EOS Webcam Utility Pro V2.3b is now available to support Windows on ARM PC users. This software version has been tested with the following applications: ZOOM, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Meet (Chrome), Facebook Messenger (Chrome), Facebook Live (Chrome),...
即日起Canon官方推出了全新计算机端应用程序“EOS Webcam Utility”,顾名思义,就是让用户手上的EOS相机,利用USB线接上计算机后,成为视频会议专用的前镜头,这不仅一下子大幅提升了视频画面品质,更让你的脸部清新度,碾压一起开会的老板与众多同事。 目前EOS Webcam Utility仍处于Beta状态,仅支持Windows 10且尚无Mac...
EOS WEBCAM ACCESSORIES STARTER KITS Turn your EOS Camera into a High-Performance Webcam with the accessories you need, all in one convenient package. Shop Starter Kits GET SUPPORT Need help with your product? Let us help you find what you need. ...
The new version of the EOS Webcam Utility Pro for Win/Mac app incorporates the following enhancements and fix: New Features: Adds the ability to select higher preview framerate in the video setting. Adds compatibility to use UVC supported EOS cameras. Adds popup notification when a new softwar...
Canon has announced that it is releasing a Pro version ofthe EOS Webcam Utilitysoftware that allows its cameras to be used as webcams, but these updates are only going to be available if users are willing to pay a subscription fee. ...
真正懒人包:Canon 推出 EOS Webcam 配件套装 疫情下,不少人都需要通过视频方式上班或上学,网络摄影机的需求大增,价格更一度被炒高,故多个厂商在早前开发出软件,让旗下的相机变成高素质的网络摄录镜头。而 Canon 刚刚就发布了一套可以在旗下单反相机和无反相机使用的 Webcam 入门套装,可以配合 Canon 的 ...
The new version of the EOS Webcam Utility Pro for Win/Mac app incorporates the following enhancements and fix: New Features: Adds the ability to select higher preview framerate in the video setting. Adds compatibility to use UVC supported EOS cameras. Adds popup notification ...
I would also suggest testing the EOS Webcam Utility on a different computer. If you're seeing an icon of a white camera with a red triangle, then it means that the camera's LiveView function and video signal is being used by another application or software.We would recommend exiting and ...