商品名称:佳能 (Canon)EOS Rebel T8i 3英寸液晶屏 单反相机 自动对焦 4k高清照相机 商品编号:10080630557077 店铺: YINGKE海外卖场店 货号:FBA-E/Canon/001 视频拍摄能力:8K 120P 类型:入门 像素:2000-2500万 滤镜直径:其他 画幅:其他 RAW照片输出:12bit 镜头卡口:佳能EF卡口 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中......
佳能(Canon)EOS 850D (Rebel T8i) 单反相机 24.1 兆像素 4K 25p 仅机身 850D/ Rebel T8i图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
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The Canon Rebel T8i (called the Kiss X10i in Japan and EOS 850D everywhere else) is an extremely competent and basic DSLR camera. It does almost all the things the more expensive cameras do, but with less size, less weight, and much less expense. What you miss compared to the more ...
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Beginners might appreciate theCanon EOS Rebel T8i, which balances ease of use and quality. Overall, the “best” Canon camera depends on your photography goals, budget, and skill level.Wegathered the reviews of The best Canon cameras to provide you with more knowledge to make the perfect choi...