Canon EOS 800D 数码单反相机 18-55 是 STM 镜头黑色国际型号 4.4 颗星,最多 5 颗星 157 US$779.00US$779.00 2月20日 星期四即会收到商品 US$16.39 配送 库存中仅剩 2 件 - 欲购从速。 佳能EOS Rebel T7 数码单反相机带 18-55 毫米镜头 | 内置 Wi-Fi | 24.1 MP CMOS 传感器 | DIGIC 4+ 图...
Canon EOS Rebel T5i (即700D) 单反数码相机(机身), 原价 $699.00,现仅售$599.00。免运费。此为Amazon历史最低价。并且可能获得2%的Rewards。在商品被运出35天后,Rewards会自动出现在您的Amazon账户里。你可以用这Rewards在Amazon购买商品。 如果选择带18-135mm EF-S IS STM 镜头套件,价格为$999.00$8...
Amazon UShas a great deal onCanon EOS Rebel T5ikit for only $799.Continue reading→ Hot Deal: Canon Rebel T5i + 18-55 + 75-300 + 4 Lens Kit + 64GB for $738 Leave a reply Beststopdeals(98.3% approval)has a great deal onCanon Rebel T5i700D + 18-55 + 75-300 + 4 Lens Kit + ...
Canon EOS Rebel T5i4829 imagesAmazon Népszerű Új 13 4 15 2 4 1 34 1 14 0 1 0 27 3 2 0 6 0 7 0 7 1 23 3 16 1 9 0 4 1 4 0 24 0 27 3 3 0 4 0 4 1 5 1 6 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 63 8 15 1 3 1 16 2...
本款EOS Rebel T5i实际就是国行的700D,EOS Rebel T5i是美版叫法,换汤不换药而已。随着650D大面积下市,700D取而代之,成为“人生第一部单反”为数不多的选择之一。700D,是佳能巩固其牙膏厂美名的又一款力作。相比上一代650D,700D升级为360度旋转转盘,操作更加人性化。并且拥有焕然一新的外观和更加成熟的整体系统。
ebay上98.4%好评卖家beststopdeals目前出售此款700D,售价494美元 Canon EOS Rebel T5i在国内市场即为佳能EOS 700D,采用全手动操作APS-C规格和CMOS传感器,支持全高清1080P摄像。
Canon Rebel t5i deals The Canon Rebel t5i is currently several models back in the Rebel line, with the latest entry being the t7i. As a result, the t5i kit on Amazon is currently sitting at just $675. The kit includes the camera body and a 18-55 lens. Sold individually, the lens ...
7. Canon 85mm F1.8 Telephoto Lens For Eos Rebel Series. Buy On Amazon This JINTU 85mm F1.8 Manual Focus Telephoto Portrait SLR Camera Lens for Canon EOS Rebel XT XTi XS XSi T1i T2i T3 T3i T4i T5 T5i T6i T7i T8i 1300D 1100D 1000D 550D 500D 450D 400D 350D 60D 90D is the perfe...
Canon’s flagship Rebel, the EOS Rebel T5i camera, is a sophisticated full-featured powerhouse that delivers fast performance – all packed in an ergonomic, stylish body that’s ready for anything. With a brilliant Vari-angle Touch Screen 3.0" Clear View LCD monitor II and a phenomenal state...