excellent performer at high ISOs. Conclusion TheCanon EOS 80Dhas improved low ISO noise and a more useful dynamic range at and close to base ISO over its siblings. However, class-leading sensors such as those found in the Sony a6300 and theNikon D7200still have more usable dynamic ranges,...
This is funny, because the 80D is probably the best Canon DSLR for most people, but writing a review, it doesn't actually excel at any one thing. It's got 90% or what a $6,000 1DX II has and is almost as small, light and inexpensive as a Rebel T6, but for that honor isn't...
佳能80D ¥5899.00京东 微信扫码购买 相机画幅:半画幅 相机像素:2400万 相机类型:单反相机 对焦点数:45 查看完整参数 基本性能概况性能评测 >> 查看性能评测 基本参数完整参数 >> 传感器像素更高的像素数意味着相机能够捕捉更多细节,但是像素数并不是决定图像质量的唯一重要因素。2400万...
The Canon EOS 80D is an enthusiast-level DSLR, and the successor to the 70D. It sports a new 24MP APS-C CMOS sensor which, like the 70D, offers Canon's Dual Pixel on-sensor phase-detection autofocus system. The 80D also gains a new 45-point hybrid AF system with all of the points...
苏宁易购为您提供佳能(Canon)(Canon)EOS 80D 数码单反相机单反相机和佳能(Canon) EOS 80D(18-200mm+50mm F1.8) 数码单反相机 双镜头套装 约2420万像素参数对比,让您了解佳能(Canon)(Canon)EOS 80D 数码单反相机单反相机和佳能(Canon) EOS 80D(18-200mm+50mm F1.8) 数码
佳能EOS的两位数系列相机,向来都是中端单反市场的代表作。作为一款定位普通消费市场,操作老少咸宜的APS-C画幅单反相机,不少摄影爱好者都会选择这一系列作为自己的入门(Keng)之选。 这款全新的佳能Eos 80D在京东的单机售价6399元,可以说不算便宜,具体可以参考同级别的尼康D7200,宾得K3 Ⅱ。
终于3年之后,看着友商纷纷开启刷机身大法,佳能终于坐不住了!牙膏大厂用力一挤,我们的EOS 80D终于诞生了。这次牙膏厂带来了全新的对焦系统,全新的处理器,全新的CMOS,莫非这次真的踩了一脚牙膏管?本次研究猿就来一探究竟。 外观&做工 这一部分的内容其实用...
苏宁易购为您提供佳能(Canon)EOS 80D(50mm F1.8)单反相机和佳能(Canon)EOS 6D2 数码相机专业单反机身 全画幅CMOS 锂电池LP-E6N 约2620万像 双核CMOS参数对比,让您了解佳能(Canon)EOS 80D(50mm F1.8)单反相机和佳能(Canon)EOS 6D2 数码相机专业单反机身 全画幅CMOS 锂电
Aug 10, 2016 • Review of Canon EOS 80D 1 I recently bought the 80D after using a 60D for many years till it gave up on me. The 80D has been a great replacement. Has a lot of nice new features , such as creative filters , allowing you to experiment with your photos as well...
80D是竖向的的对焦框,800D是横向对焦框,并且800D的对焦框要小于80D的对焦框,选择焦点的时候要更精确一些。对于入门级用户来说,EOS 90D性能全面并兼顾易用性,适用于多种题材的拍摄,无论人像、风光还是夜景都能轻松应对。相机对焦灵敏准确,高感表现优秀,可旋转液晶显示屏使用便捷,全像素双核CMOS AF的性能得到...