Canon’s newly-developed Dual Pixel CMOS AF, a phase-detection autofocus (AF) technology on the camera’s image sensor plane, enables users to shoot video with the new EOS 70D close to the quality of a video shot with a camcorder. Dual Pixel CMOS AF employs a revolutionary CMOS sensor on...
TheCanon EOS 70Dis one of Canon’s Best mid-range APS-C SLRs. Upgraded from the 60D to a full20.2 megapixels. It shares many of the features from the Canon 5D Mark III, but at a lower cost and weight. This is the first Canon DSLR to introduce the newDual Pixel CMOS AFtechnology ...
佳能(Canon) EOS 70D 单反套机 (EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS 镜头) ¥7999 去购买 下面开始开箱了。 镜头和机身是单独用泡沫袋包装的 我觉得一镜走天下就可以了,让我双镜头,然后再来一个定焦京东一大包东西,我估计背不动,也闲麻烦。 装好之后拿在手里,立马觉得就是摄影师了 ...
苏宁易购为您提供佳能(Canon)70D单反相机和佳能(Canon) EOS 5D MARKⅢ 单反套机 (24-105mm) 5D3 准专业 数码单反相机、佳能(Canon) EOS 6D 单反套机(24-105mm)准专业 全画幅 数码单反相机参数对比,让您了解佳能(Canon)70D单反相机和佳能(Canon) EOS 5D MARKⅢ 单反套机 (24
苏宁易购为您提供佳能(Canon)70D单反相机和佳能(Canon)EOS 6D2(24-105 f/4L USM)全画幅数码相机专业单反单镜头套装像素约2620万参数对比,让您了解佳能(Canon)70D单反相机和佳能(Canon)EOS 6D2(24-105 f/4L USM)全画幅数码相机专业单反单镜头套装像素约2620万哪个好,让您选
Canon于日前推出新一代二位数准专业级APS-C机身EOS70D,这款机身对于Canon而言有着相当重要的意义,不仅是因为它是延续Canon二位数机身的新一代机种,更重要的是它也是Canon首款搭载全新双向素CMOS对焦系统的机种,Canon寄望这项技术能够颠覆单眼相机LiveView的对焦能力,甚至提供录影中高速对焦的能力。 跳转开始介绍这款Ca...
“high” by today’s standards.Gordon Laingover at wrote, “The Canon EOS 70D is one of the most capable all-round cameras I’ve tested, DSLR or otherwise.” This is one of the few times I’ve arrived at a different conclusion than either Derrick or Gordon. I hope it...
Canon EOS 70D Scores 68 sensor Overall Sensor Scorei 68 BEST102 Portrait (Color Depth)i 22.5 BEST26.5 Landscape (Dynamic Range)i 11.6 14.8 Sports (Low-Light ISO)i 926 4505 WANT MORE DATA ? Read the test results Canon EOS 70D side by side comparisons...
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