Four and a half years have passed since the first affordable digital SLR from Canon; the EOS 300D (Digital Rebel). In that time we have witnessed two further iterations (the EOS 350D and EOS 400D) leading up to today's fourth generation EOS 450D, with twice the megapixel count of the...
《Canon EOSDSLR数码单反相机全集》这本书详尽介绍了11款Canon EOS Digital数码单镜反光相机,从入门级的EOS1000D、EOS450D、EOS500D到旗舰级别的EOS5DMark2、EOS-1DMark3、EOS-1DMarkIV和EOS一1DSMark3,涵盖了整个EOS产品线。书中对每款相机的性能进行了测试,帮助读者全面了解每款相机的特点。同时,...
Focal Digital Camera Guides: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D Just bought a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D and looking to combine practical know-how with inspiration? This one-stop, easy-to-read guide covers all the basic functions of the camera, and everything beyond.For the basics, ...
EOS DSLR全面测试 EOS 1000D功能齐全入门机身 EOS 450D入门机大革新 EOS 500D高清视频拍摄升级选择 EOS 550D超强高像素入门单反 EOS 50D画质再提升 EOS 60D可转动屏幕单反相机 EOS 7D顶级性能中级价格 EOS 5D Mark Ⅱ全画幅高清视频拍摄先驱 EOS-1 D Mark Ⅲ极速机皇再生 EOS-1 D Mark IV愈暗愈强 EOS-1 Ds...
使用EOS Camera Movie Record 软件在计算机上使用 Canon EOS DSLR相机录制视频 。 该virx个人页面 EOS相机电影录制简介 该程序的目的是从支持LiveView的Canon®SLR摄像机捕获视频。目前,已知以下相机可以工作:佳能EOS 450D,佳能EOS 1000D,佳能40D,佳能50D,佳能5D Mark II和佳能1Ds Mark III。
如果是红黑色背带,上面写canon digital就是佳能三位数机器。可能是400D,450D,500D,550D,600D,650D和700D。两位数,一位数的机器会写明机器型号。比如说7D写的就是EOS 7D,5D2是 EOS 5D Mark II
Your Digital Rebel XSi/450D, with its 12.2 megapixel resolution, 3–inch view screen, and the option for "Live View" shooting, is designed for simplicity without sacrificing creative freedom. This guide is ideal for helping you use that creative control and get great shots anywhere, anytime....
从小dc升级到dslr 50mm/1.8的大光圈和70-200的长焦,(镜头视觉)感觉上有质的飞跃。建议先从这两个头入手进入单反的严肃摄影的状态。塑料感十足的廉价佳能标头50mmf1.8虽然做工一般,但提供了f 18、1.8大光圈,收缩12档光圈即可得到锐利的成像,用在aps-c单反上拍摄人像有优异的表现,可以轻松解决背景虚化问题,评分为...
EOS DSLR全面测试 EOS l000D功能齐全入门机身 EOS 450D入门机大革新 EOS 500D高清视频拍摄升级选择 EOS 550D超强高像素入门单反 EOS 50D画质再提升 EOS 60D可转动屏幕单反相机 EOS 7D顶级性能中级价格 EOS 5D Mark Ⅱ全画幅高清视频拍摄先驱 EOS一1 D Mark Ⅲ极速机皇再生 ...