Indeed, given the level of feature upgrades and improvements, technological wizardry, and user-requested creative controls, the Canon EOS 40D SLR's "prosumer" appellation may refer more to its accessible price point than to the exceptional quality, clarity, a...
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重装上阵 Canon EOS 40D 对焦点十字型中阶检测器改良功能系统重装双处理器中央高阶机大战已经开始,中阶机又会如何发展呢?Nikon除了D3之外,同时推出D300中阶机,其规格之强,让中阶机级别市场再度进入混乱,因为D300有相当多的功能,是来自顶级的D3!数码世界...
Custom functions on the EOS 40D are split into four categories, each has its own menu and is identified using a roman numeral (I, II, III and IV). C.Fn I: Exposure Option Values I-1: Exposure level increments 0: 1/3 stop 1: 1/2 stop I-2: ISO speed setting increments 0: ...
The EOS 40D becomes the sixth Canon 'prosumer' digital SLR, a line which started back in 2000 with the EOS D30, and how far we've come. It's been eighteen months since the EOS 30D and although on the surface the 40D looks like a fairly subtle upgrade the