In-Depth Review When you need (want) the smallest camera possible, a camera ready to go everywhere with you, but do not want to give up DSLR features, the SL2 (AKA EOS Kiss X8 in Japan and EOS 200D in Europe/Asia/Oceania) immediately jumps to the forefront of your options list. ...
佳能EOS 200D搭载了高像素的APS-C画幅CMOS图像感应器,结合DIGIC 7影像处理器,能够呈现出细腻、真实的画面效果。无论是风景、人像还是微距摄影,都能得到令人满意的作品。同时,其ISO感光度范围广泛,即使在低光环境下也能保持出色的画质表现。除了出色的性能外,佳能EOS 200D在设计上也非常注重用户体验。它的机身...
The EOS Rebel SL2 (known as the EOS 200D outside of North America) is Canon's second-generation ultra-compact digital SLR. It's largely packed with Canon's latest tech, including Dual Pixel AF, a DIGIC 7 processor, Wi-Fi with NFC and Bluetooth, and a new user interface for beginners...
苏宁易购为您提供佳能(Canon)EOS 200D(18-55)单反相机和佳能(Canon)EOS 6D2(24-105 STM)数码全画幅单反单镜头套装 像素约2620万参数对比,让您了解佳能(Canon)EOS 200D(18-55)单反相机和佳能(Canon)EOS 6D2(24-105 STM)数码全画幅单反单镜头套装 像素约2620万哪个好,让
相似 热卖 优惠 可参加以下优惠活动 实名有礼 实名认证领苏宁支付券 详细参数 品牌:佳能(Canon)数码单反类型:单镜头套装型号:EOS 200D II(18-55STM) 产地:中国台湾机身材质:官网信息为准颜色:黑色 上市时间(月):2019-04传感器类型:CMOS传感器尺寸:22.3×14.9毫米...
Check out myCanon EF 50mm f1.8 STM reviewfor full details. Above left: EF-S 18-55mm at 55mm f5.6. Above right: EF 50mm f1.8 at f1.8 The shallow depth-of-field effect also works well in movies and thanks to the great video focusing and touchscreen on the EOS 200D / SL2, you ... explains how the flash behaves in each mode. cheat sheet for fill flash. Enjoy your new equipment and have fun. John -- hide signature -- Feel free to use any...
🤗佳能(Canon)迷你单反EOS 200D ☑️说起这个购买相机历程,真的是一波三折。起初在vipshop买的200D一代,兴致勃勃地收到货想试机,结果压根无法开机。跟客服沟通后要我去佳能 售后维修中心出具检测报告才能退货。无奈,自己坐车去上海的维修中心检测。
佳能(Canon)EOS 200D(EF-S18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM)白色 ¥3999 去购买 开始关注单反的时候就一直觉得白色的相机很骚,后来就看上100d了,不过100d出了很长时间了,最近等到了100d的升级佳能200d,话说200d的配置很良心,比100d升级了翻转触摸屏幕、DIGIC 7传感器、wifi、双核对焦、2420万有效像素、最高5张/秒的...