auto focus alone. SMOOTH AND Responsive Pan and Tilt Control The CR-N300 is equipped with the PT drive mechanism that can change the pan/tilt speed in incremental steps. This allows the operator to set the speeds to their desired preference to allow for smooth PT movement. The CR-N300 ...
CR-N300是佳能开发的首款4K PTZ摄控一体机,将专业数码摄像机出色的画质与专业视频功能和网络摄像机灵活的远程操控有机融合,搭载了广角、高倍变焦镜头,通过利用远程控制影像数据,实现了4K影像的拍摄和传输。机身紧凑轻量,机动性高。IP远程视频输出系统充分发挥其灵活性,大幅提高操作效率,轻松实现单人操控。可广泛适用于...
本公司生产销售摄控一体机 摄控一体机 摄像机 摄像头,提供摄控一体机专业参数,摄控一体机价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.摄控一体机 摄控一体机 品牌佳能|产地广东|价格面议|分辨率3840×2160px|环境湿度10%~90% (无结露)|款式摄控一体机|功耗最大约16.2WW|快门
Turn the CR-N300 into a super webcam with Canon's Webcam Driver. The Webcam Driver is a virtual USB driver that allows the CR-N300 to be used as a powerful webcam over a network. The software has many advantages such as, automatic camera detection, up to 4K 30P video output, embedd...
CR-N300 SKU CR-N300_Lead Qty: Contact Request Form If you would like to have an authorized Canon dealer contact you regarding the model you have selected, please fill the information bellow. Salutation First Name Last Name Job Title Company Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip...
Canon CR-X500 PTZ camera delivers up to 4K UHD Resolution image quality, high sensitivity, Dual Pixel CMOS AF & powerful 15x Optical Zoom. Find out more.
CR-N300/W CRN500 CRN500/W CRN700 CRN700/W CR-X500 -+ 去定制 商品介绍 规格与包装 售后保障 商品评价 商品问答 品牌:Canon 商品名称:CanonCR-N300/W 商品编号:100022356941 类型:会议摄像头 是否支持视频会议:支持视频会议 手写触摸:不支持 更多参数>> ...
Canon佳能摄控一体机CR-N300使用说明书.pdf,安全注意事项 在这些地方使用会导致设备因无线电波而发生故障,并■ 注意事项 导致事故或造成电击和人身伤害。 在法律允许的范围内,Canon Inc. 以及佳能子公司或者分支机构均对 1 于因记录的信息或图像丢失而导致的任何间接的、
Find out about the Canon CR-N700 Broadcast PTZ camera. It has 12G-SDI connectivity and can deliver up to 4K 60p image quality and 15x optical zoom.
爱企查为您提供深圳市中创世纪科技有限公司Canon CR-N300 摄控一体机 佳能摄像机 视频会议用摄像头等产品,您可以查看公司工商信息、主营业务、详细的商品参数、图片、价格等信息,并联系商家咨询底价。欲了解更多扬声器、低音箱、线性柱状、扩声音响、线阵音响、壁挂音响、