下载链接:https://tucengyun.com/53944.html Topic Colour CANON CONVERSION LUTS (C70/C200/300/500) // (R/R5/R5C) // (C-LOG2),我们创建了 5 个转换 LUTS,旨在与所有佳能相机配合使用!这些LUT坚固耐用,经过实战测试,可立即将您的LOG / FLAT图像转换为更自然的“Rec 709”外观!包括 5 (.立方体) ...
电影色调 | 颜色分级| 专业级步骤 1. Canon C-Log to Rec.709步骤 2. 色彩校准 - 调整基本参数例如:阴影、色温、饱和度及,值得注意的是仔细检查肤色的变化。步骤 3. 颜色分级丨风格化 - 这是改变和增强视频中的颜色以赋予其特定情绪、色调或外观的过程。 通过有选择地调整
I tried the Abel cine site and they have hundreds of supposed techical 709 luts and I found one for the canon log c which is the standard Lut for canon c100 mark 2 camera. However, when I tried to use it. it was way over saturated and obviosley not...
Is there a standard C-LOG to REC 709 LUT for color grading I can download for the R5C? jblantonfilm Apprentice 02-19-2024 10:06 PM We shot some footage with the Canon R5C in C-LOG and I want to add a LUT in Premiere to make it REC 709....
产品特点: Christian Maté Grab – 佳能 R5 / R6 电影 LUT 里面有什么? 8 个用于 C-Log 的电影效果 LUT(.cube 文件) 8 rec.709 的后期处理 LUT(.cube 文件) 10 个用于 C-Log3 (BT.709) 的电影效果
以达芬奇18.0举例,在调色面板中的节点中,鼠标右键节点即可看到LUT选项。从中选择Canon Log to Rec709即可完成还原。如果想还原的更加精准,也可以下载佳能官网(https://www.canon.com.cn/supports/download/simsdetail/0200603905.html)上的最新LUT在软件中进行导入。
8整理rec.709(.cube文件)的LUT 8 Finishing LUTs for rec.709 (.cube files) 10个C-Log3(BT.709)的电影LUT,用于监控和分级拍摄的过度曝光镜头(+1到+2站) 与Adobe Premiere、Final Cut X、DaVinci Resolve、Photoshop和任何其他使用3D LUT的软件兼容。
Using the right LUT and not using a LUTs at all LOG is gamma that requires some tweaking to look like a normal Rec.709 video, again, John Hess from Filmmaker IQ hasa great video explaining this. Canon offers their native Look Up Tables (LUTs) in their “Canon lookup table Version 201911...
I've been shooting it with cinema gamut and it looks nice with the R5 Cinema Gamut CLOG3 to Rec.709 LUT. You do have to tweak the exposure quite a bit but the highlights recovery much better than clog1. They just need to fix the damn view assist. TomTheDP 1 Quote...
I tried the Abel cine site and they have hundreds of supposed techical 709 luts and I found one for the canon log c which is the standard Lut for canon c100 mark 2 camera. However, when I tried to use it. it was way over saturated and obviosley not the right...