几张canon ae-1的黑白片~ 来自: niumemo(别看别看) 2011-04-10 14:09:16 http://www.douban.com/photos/album/46400414/赞 回应 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 你的回应 回应请先 登录 , 或 注册 推荐到广播 canon ae-1 20171 人聚集在这个小组 加入小组 相关内容推荐 我把neowing网址发上来 (乐园...
canon ae-1 20171 人聚集在这个小组 加入小组 相关内容推荐 第一卷较为成功的胶卷! (继续拍胶卷吧小组) 作业|【作业】🚗半回 拍立得mini相纸3.8r/张 wide5.2r/张 (买组 & All buy & 不买不可能小组) 生活|宝宝们租完富士minievo记得删打印历史 (楼人观察室小组) 有没有人来劝一下我 (...
The photos have the lens holder removed. Don't let that mess you up. Take a lubricant of your choice. I used vegetable oil. 添加一条评论 添加一条评论 步骤3 Draw a tiny bit of lubricant in the syringe. Insert needle in the hole where the lens holder screw was. Put the needle ...
If you want a compact camera that produces great quality photos without the hassle of changing lenses, there are plenty of choices available for every budget. Read on to find out which portable enthusiast compacts are our favorites. The Best cameras under $1000 in 2024 1 week ago Around $100...
Nikon Z50II product photos Fujifilm XF 16-55mm F2.8 R LM WR II pre-production sample gallery See more galleries » Latest in-depth reviews 783 Panasonic Lumix DC-S9 in-depth review review2 days ago The Lumix S9 is Panasonic's newest full-frame mirrorless camera. It allows users to...
The AE-1 Program is compatible with manual-focus FD and New FD lenses. The New FD lenses are the all-black ones as seen in the photos here, while the older FD lenses are the ugly ones with the chrome breech-lock rings. Older Canon FL and non-FD lenses mount, but metering is stop...
I loaded the Canon AL-1 up with a fresh roll of Fuji 200 and took it with me on a trip to Crown Point, Indiana in September 2017 for some casual photos of their town center. I like going to Crown Point because it is a historic area shaped like a large square with the county cour...
佳能CANON AE-1 Program 双镜套机,原厂说明书,配件,皮质相机保护套,背带齐全。 日系性价比极高的135胶片单反。 机身成色很新,极轻微使用痕迹,所有功能完美。送电池。 两颗镜头都是性价比和实用性非常好的,分别为: -适马 SIGMA ZOOM-MASTER35-70mm小巧实用焦距变焦头,整体成色很好,轻微使用痕迹,镜片无霉无划,微...
2010/10 澳洲 more http://www.flickr.com/photos/sarustyle/ AE-1 上手日誌 底片#(4 B&W) 剛剛趁上班空檔搭著小黃去拿底片 想再出國前看一下黑白的電影底片拍起來到底長什麼樣子 到時候拍才不會遺憾ㄎㄎ要… 閱讀更多AE-1 上手日誌 底片#(1-3) AE-1的處女第一卷洗出來時真是有點慘不人賭 很...
入札される場合は取引意思を質問欄より連絡の上、ご入札下さい。 FTb作例 https://www.flickr.com/photos/34554850@N00/sets/72157602126998614/ 收藏 联系客服 查看同类商品 同类商品推荐 1円スタト【動作品返品可】Canon F1 後期型 一眼レフカメラ フィルムカメラ 露出計動作確認 キャノン 2411270010...