Rudy Winston (from Canon USA’s pro productions team) explains the differences between Canon’s EOS 5DS and 5DS R that will set you back $3699.00 or $3899.00 depending on a few small but important differences between the two new 50.5 Megapixel full-frame cameras. I personally think that ...
Canon has launched two new high-end DSLRs, called the EOS 5DS and the EOS 5DS R. The difference between the two cameras is that the former has a low-pass filter, which blurs the image slightly to reduce moire, while the 5DS R lacks it, resulting in sharper images at the cost of ...
为高画素摄影而生,搭载50MP元件的CanonEOS5Ds、5DsR登场 Canon 今天也发表了两款 EOS 5D Mark III 的延伸机种 EOS 5Ds 以及 EOS 5Ds R ,虽在外观变化不大,不过这次一口气将感光元件画素提升到 50MP ,诚如先前谍报的资讯, 5Ds 与 5Ds R 的差别就在于是否搭载低通滤镜,与 Nikon D810 对垒的意味相当浓厚...
Canon 5DS & 5DS R Measurement: Best Canon scores for Color Sensitivity and Dynamic Range Achieving very similar overall DxOMark Sensor Scores of 87 points for the EOS 5DS and 86 points for the EOS 5DS R, these are the best results we’ve measured on a Canon sensor to date. An improvemen...
that is borne out in our upcoming testing of the5DSand5DS Rthen based on test results for the7D Mark IIand5D Mark IIICanon’s latest 50Mp sensor will still be behind the current DxOMark leaders. Keep your eyes peeled for a full test and review soon – it’s going to be interesting!
Tamron 宣布旗下六款镜头与 Canon 的高画素相机 EOS 5Ds 、 5Ds R 有相容问题,在 LiveView 下自动对焦可能无法正常运作,目前 Tamron 在日本已经接受消费者免费申请进行维修。目前确定有状况的镜头如下:SP 15-30mm F/2.8 Di VC USD (Model A012) SP 70-200mm F/2.8 Di VC USD (Model ...
Canon EOS 5Ds/5DsR相机提供了两种自拍模式,可满足不同的拍摄需求。 ● 10 秒自拍/遥控:在此驱动模式下,可以在10秒后进行自动拍摄。此驱动模式支持与遥控器搭配使用。 ● 2秒自拍/遥控:在此驱动模式下,可以在2秒后进行自动拍摄。此驱动模式也支持与遥控器搭配使用。
在此模式下,摄影师可以手动选择对焦点的位置。除了采用场景智能自动曝光模式外,采用其他曝光模式拍摄时都可以手选对焦点。Canon EOS 5Ds/5DsR 共有61个对焦点可供选择。 ▲ 选择手动选择:单点自动对焦模式时的显示屏 扩展自动对焦区域(十字/周围) 这两种模式也可以理解为“手动选择:单点自动对焦”模式的一个升级...
Sharpness: 5Ds vs. 5Ds R -- with amazing glass? Dec 10, 2019 I shoot mostly with my 85/1.4 Otus, which is an incredible lens. Using this, would I see much difference in sharpness between the two camera bodies mentioned? I've found limited and mixed results when searching for the ...
对焦是成功拍摄的重要前提之一,准确对焦可以让画面要表现的主体获得清晰呈现,反之则容易出现画面模糊的问题,也就是所谓的“失焦”。 Canon EOS 5Ds/5DsR相机提供了AF自动对焦与MF手动对焦两种模式,而AF自动对焦又可以分为单次自动对焦、人工智能自动对焦、人工智能伺服自动对焦3种模式,使用这3种自动对焦模式一般都能够...