High yield (XL) Canon printer ink contains more ink inside the cartridge so it can print more pages before needing to be replaced. It is a cheaper option for those who print high quantities and volumes on a daily basis. A standard capacity ink cartridge is ideal for those who don’t pri...
MX525 Compatible Cartridge Model: PG540XL CL-541xl Refillable: Yes Features: |Printer Canon Mx492|Canon Pixma Ts3120| **Efficient and Eco-Friendly Refilling Solution** The einkshop Smart cartridge Refill kit is an innovative solution for those looking to reduce their printing costs while minimiz...
For Canon PG540XL CL540XL Feature Compatible Cartridge's Status Full Bulk Packaging Yes Compatible Brand Canon Inkjet Description Report Item Specifications: Show ink level: Yes Suitable printer model: For Pixma MG4250 MG3250 MG3255 MG3550 MG4100 Cartridge's Status: Full Page yield: BK: 600 ...
Compatible Ink Cartridge for Canon PGI-550XL/CLI-551XL - Product - Inkjet Cartridge - OURWAY IMAGE TECH CO.,LTD.
数量(件):1 体积:0.000936 m³ 起订量:10 单毛重:0.016 kg 尺寸:L(13)*W(8)*H(9) cm 单净重:0.45 kg 物流方式:快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运 包装说明:纸质包裹 商品介绍 Hicor PG-540 XL CL-541 XL Remanufactured Ink Cartridge Black Color Compatible For Canon Pixma Printer PG 540 CL 541 INK...
Cartridge′s Status Full Colour Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow Model Number Pgi-550xl Bk, Cli-551xl Bk/C/M/Ygy Ink Type Dye or Pigment Base Ink Chip with New Chip Packaging Detail Neutral White Box or Color Box Delivery Detail 3-15 Working ...
High yield (XL) Canon printer ink contains more ink inside the cartridge so it can print more pages before needing to be replaced. It is a cheaper option for those who print high quantities and volumes on a daily basis. A standard capacity ink cartridge is ideal for those who don’t pri...
适用佳能PGI-170彩色墨盒CLI-171XL打印机喷墨TS5010/TS6010批发 珠海灰太狼打印耗材有限公司 2年 回头率: 12.5% 广东 珠海市香洲区 ¥102.60 成交2个 适用PFI-707 填充墨盒带墨水芯片Canon IPF 830/540/850墨盒 珠海八达电子有限公司 5年 回头率: 37.9% 广东 珠海市 ¥9.00 成交6个 天威GI81...
Compatible Ink Cartridge for Canon BCI-350XL/351XL - Product - Inkjet Cartridge - OURWAY IMAGE TECH CO.,LTD.
莱盛 适用 佳能喷墨打印机 CANON INK Cartridge 墨盒 墨水 北京科创恒达科技有限公司 10年 回头率: 22.2% 北京市海淀区 ¥285.00 成交53个 艺美佳颜料墨水兼容佳能打印机 色彩还原度高饱和度高 打印机墨水 南京宁运源数码科技有限公司 8年 回头率: 0% 江苏 南京市 ¥10.00 另色鬼墨水适用佳能PR...