White Balance:I use AUTO.I explain how to set these on the 20D atControls.See myWhite Balance Examplespage and myWhite Balancepage for why you'd want to change them. Quality:I shoot Large JPG NORMAL, which shows as L and a stair-step icon on the rear and top LCDs. Large is 3,504...
If you do want to use this, it's easy to set: select it with the big dial, press SET to be able to change it, and spin the dial to select how far away the bracketed exposures will be. Be sure to press SET again to lock these settings, otherwise the 20D will ignore whatever you...
Anyway, let's dive right into the advice on Canon gear and how to use it, whether you want to use a new or used camera, a lens, or an accessory thingamajig made by Canon, or yes, another manufacturer. Use the main menu up above or one of the search boxes scattered around this web...
Set the ISO at 1600 but again be prepared to adjust it up or down depending on light. Now very important never use Ai-servo always use One Shot and just the center focus point. Turn the other off. I suspect that is the main cause you aren't getting real shar...
I like being able to completely close the printer so I don't have to worry about dust or pet hairs getting inside. The photos I have printed from my 20D look amazing. I have several photos hanging on my walls, and ...
Figure 1. Center Sharpness for Canon 14mm f/2.8L on Canon 20D and Canon 5D Center Sharpness for the Canon 14mm f/2.8 on both the Canon 20D and 5D are shown to be essentially identical in Figure 1. This, of course, is not surprising because we use a multiplicative Scaling Factor of 1....
The Canon EOS 10D shot 9 frames at full speed (3 frames per second), dropped to 1 frame per second for 24 frames, after that it slowed considerably. What surprised me the most is how much more amplitude the 20D sample has compared to the D70 and 10D, it's shutter sound is a ...
The question in everyone's mind is, "How does the image quality of the 20D comapare with that of the 10D?" Thanks toImatestthis question can be answered with precision, using ISO 12233 charts fromdpreview.com. If the increased pixel count (3504x2336 vs. 3072x2048 for the 10D) were al...
My second-hand EOS 20D was working fine, and then it wasn't. I get the error 99 message, so I take the battery out like the manual says. Then I get the CF error, so I
If you can afford it and you're prepared to take the time to learn how to use it to its best advantage, theCanon EOS 1D MkIVis highly recommended. If you found this article interesting, please tell others about it... I recomend these vendors. I use them myself and all have excellen...