同时到来的还由一个新的镜头EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM,它同样为视频拍摄专门优化,集成NANOUSM超声波马达,并且具备IS防抖能力。 光学结构上,佳能EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM镜头采用12组16片设计,包括一片UD镜片和一片非球面镜片,可以修正多种像差。在APS-C画幅下,这颗镜头的焦距等效35mm相机...
老当益壮的挂机头:Canon 佳能 EF28-135mm IS USM F3.5-5.6标准变焦镜头 choumao 33 23 佳能1D mark IV 带上 SIGMA 适马 18-35 F1.8/50-100 F1.8 单反镜头 晒单(带样张) megatsunami 120 58 NANO USM马达与防抖加持:Canon 佳能 发布 EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM 镜头 资讯小小值 6 1 Canon...
This 18-135mm Nano USM lens is magnificent, with instantaneous autofocus, ultra-close macro focussing and great optical performance covering an ideal do-everything zoom range. This could be the only lens you need for everything for your Canon APS-C camera....
实际上在佳能的APS-C阵容当中,除了偏专业向的7D系列,80D可以说是C幅旗舰级机型了。在EOS 70D的基础上,80D进一步提升了对焦性能和视频拍摄能力。搭配新款EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM镜头(使用新的Nano USM超声波对焦马达,线性直驱,安静无声,适合视频拍摄)的套机售价8999元,今天在京东正式开卖。
NANO USM马达与防抖加持:Canon 佳能 发布 EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM 镜头 资讯小小值 6 1 相关商品 适马24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II 全幅微单变焦镜头2470二代7669.35元起 Canon 佳能 EF 50mm F1.8 STM 标准定焦镜头 佳能EF卡口698元起 Tamron 腾龙 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III RXD 全画幅大光圈标准变...
New 18-135mm IS nano USM.80D with new 18-135mm IS nano USM: $1,799.New 18-135mm IS USM lens only: $599.99. EW-73D hood for new 18-135mm IS USM: $39.95.Canon Directional Microphone DM-E1: $244.95.Canon Power Zoom Adapter PZ-E1 $149.99....
Finde das beste Angebot für den Artikel Canon EF-S 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 IS USM. Klarnas Preisvergleich führt dich zum niedrigsten Preis in der Kategorie Kameraobjektive!
8L IS USM 搭配 4500 万画素的 EOS R5 作业,这颗镜头的对焦速度就是快、狠、准,Nano USM 对焦...
Nano USM delivers fast, accurate, and near silent autofocus performance to benefit both photo and video applications. Customizable Lens Function buttons on the barrel permit intuitive tactile control and rapid access to shooting settings. Benefitting handheld and monopod-based shooting, Optical Image Sta...
* Only G7X3, G5X2 and SX70HS support remote zoom directly; other cameras need to be compatible with EF-S 18-135 IS NANO USM lens and used with PZ-E1 power zoom adapter to achieve remote zoom. * the camera in the picture are not for sale, will not included in the package ...