商品名称:佳能(Canon) BINOCULARS 18X50 IS双眼望远镜稳像防抖高倍微光夜视演唱会 15x50is 商品编号:10050468509145 店铺: 佳能里度专卖店 货号:佳能15/18X50IS 类别:双筒望远镜 是否变倍:无变倍 结构:双目 调焦方式:中央调焦 测距功能:无测距功能 镜身材质:橡胶 主镜结构:折射式 倍率:高倍率 适用人群:成人 防...
I own a number of binoculars including 20x80s. I acquired Canon IS 15x50s early last fall and have done quite a lot of observing with them since then. They are a bit heavy but I've logged a number of DSOs that I've never seen through binoculars before and have had some great views...
Should I? Canon 15x50 IShfjacinto
Canon 15x50 IS Objective coversdoctordub
Re: Canon 10x42L vs 15x50 vs 18x50 IS binoculars
A good tip for 15x50 and 18x50 Canon IS fuzzinesstigerroach