cannot xtfrm data frames 文心快码BaiduComate 在R编程中,遇到“cannot xtfrm data frames”的错误提示,通常意味着你尝试对一个数据框(data frame)使用了xtfrm函数,但该函数并不支持数据框类型的数据。下面我将详细解释这个错误的含义、原因、解决方案,并提供一些示例代码。 1. 理解“xtfrm data frames”的含义...
Error in : cannot xtfrm data frames此外: Warning message:In FUN(data[x, , drop = FALSE], ...) : You were trying to describe a non-numeric data.frame or vector which describe converted to numeric. 问chatgpt也没用,后来发现把数据导出为文件再导入就好了,一直使用这个...
I have got this error twice recently - no idea why, but in the last instance it was solved by changing tibble to data.frame, that is: starwars <- data.frame(starwars) #this made the below command work instead of showing the error message OptimalCutpoints::optimal.cutpoints("height", "...
Hello, As of R 4.1 the following warning is issued from filterIso: In : cannot xtfrm data frames I believe that the latest R is more strict, and that it is actually not supported to sort a data.frame like this. A poss...