AD保存PCB出现 cannot write to read - only file,今天画板子出现这个问题,顿时心凉大半了,这个原因不知,分享一种办法,可行; 上面是问题截图。 首选新建一个pcb,然后将当前pcb的所有东西copy进去,之后保存新建的pcb,然后关闭ad;然后从新打开,之后将新建的pcb的所有东西复制进当前pcb(将当前pcb的内容全部删除); ...
我的AD17 PCB文件在保存时会报错,提示不能保存,还会出现下面的东西,另存为本来是行的现在也不行了...
Hi, I am trying to add a host in the etc/hosts file in my container via: RUN echo “ip” >> /etc/hosts I am using ubuntu:jammy as base image. I get the following error: /bin/sh: 1: cannot create /etc/hosts: Read-only file system ...
Previous: LL105W: Protocol error detected. Next: lockd[int]: create_client: no name for inet address 0xhex ln: cannot create /dev/fb: Read-only file system原因/dev が読み取り専用のファイルシステム上にあるため、ブート時のデバイス再構成の間に、システムがフレームバッファーにリ...
这个错误表明你尝试在嵌入式Linux系统上创建一个名为'test'的目录时失败了,因为文件系统被挂载为只读模式。在只读模式下,你无法修改文件系统的内容,包括创建、删除文件或目录。 解决方法: 1. 重新挂载文件系统为读写模式。你可以使用mount命令重新挂载文件系统,并指定读写权限。例如: ...
From your description, Dan is site owner and when he open the visio files created by himself with client, he gets the error: "Visio cannot write to the file. The file has been opened read-only". Can Dan open these visio files in browser?
'<propertyname>' cannot be exposed to COM as a property 'Let' '<propertyname>' implicitly defines '<membername>', which conflicts with a member of the same name in <type> '<typename>' '<propertyname1>' cannot override '<propertyname2>' because they differ by 'ReadOnly' or 'Wr...
MessageId: DTS_E_DTSPROCTASK_CANNOTWRITEINAREADONLYVARIABLE MessageText: The Execution result cannot be saved in a read-only variable.
Database 'xxx' cannot be upgraded because it is read-only or has read-only file Make the database or files writeable, and rerun recovery.,在分离数据库DatabaseName(暂且用DatabaseName代替该数据库名)后,我将其数据文件以及日志文件移动到新增的磁盘上。然后
PluginId: BashSupport Plugin version: IDEA build: IU-145.1617.8 Cannot modify a read-only file '/home/.../docker/test/'. com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException: Cannot modify a read-only file '/.../'. at com.intellij.psi.impl.CheckUtil.checkWritable(Check...