The server is configured to use pass-through authentication with a built-in account to access the specified physical path. However, IIS Manager cannot verify whether the built-in account has access. Make sure that the application pool identity has Read access to the physical path. If this serve...
FTP Server OS: Windows FTP Server Type: Windows Server IIS Client Computer OS: N/A FluentFTP Version: 46.0.2 Framework: .NETCore 3.1 There's an issue connecting to FTPS IIS server on Windows 2019 from Azure functions v4 running on .NETCo...
Lähetetty sähköpostiisi [Wireless Router] Why I cannot use windows file manager or web browser to access ASUS router FTP? If you are not able to access FTP on ASUS router via windows file manager or web browser, you might need to try actions below: 1. Enable FTP access. ...
530 user cannot log in,home directory inaccesssible: 在网上找了各种解决方案,都不对,因为用户名,已经在windows的“计算机管理”--“本地用户和组”--“用户”里面新增。密码也确认无误。ftp的目录页确实存在。 然后又检查ftp的"测试设置": 显示“指定的用户无法访问路径balabala...” 秒懂,原来是新添加的...
FTP logging cannot display the physical path for any FTP command issued by users of an Internet Information Services (IIS) FTP server. This behavior makes it difficult to debug the FTP server issues especially in multi-tenant scenarios for...
Verify that the local farm is properly configured, currently available, and that you have the appropriate permissions to access the database before trying again Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Password' because it is null. Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null Cannot ...
1. 启动 Internet Service Manager (ISM),它将加载 Microsoft 管理控制台 (MMC) 的 Internet Information Server 管理单元。2. 右键单击默认的 FTP 站点文件夹,然后单击“属性”。3. 在“主目录”选项卡上,验证列出的“本地路径”是否有效,并选中“读取”复选框。4. 单击“确定”。5. 使用 ...
第一种解决方案就是不要创建隔离FTP用户。第二种才是重点:因为出现这种错误通常都是隔离用户才有的,解决方法是:打开IIS管理器 Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager ,点击FTP站点--- Default FTP Site (如果是中文就是默认FTP站点),右键选择属性(Properties)--主目录,设置默认的FTP路径,可以在D盘下建立一...
IIS FTP "530 User cannot log in home directory inaccessible"错误原因:可能是在FTP服务器创建时,选择了FTP隔离用户模式。解决方法:在用户的ftp根目录下创建LocalUser\用户名 这样的目录,因为用户登录时会自动将主目录移到这里。如果打算允许FTP站点提供匿名登录应在LocalUser目录下另建一个public的子目录LocalUser\...
解决方法:在用户的ftp根目录下创建LocalUser\用户名 这样的目录,因为用户登录时会自动将主目录移到这里。如果打算允许FTP站点提供匿名登录应在LocalUser目录下另建一个public的子目录LocalUser\public IIS FTP "530 User cannot log in home directory inaccessible"错误原因:可能是在FTP服务器创建时,选择了FTP隔离用户...