2)“cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table”意思就是: 当对一个view进行delete、insert、update时,被(涉及到的)view列所映射table列(或列的组合)必须是有主健约束的,目的是要保证在同一时刻只能针对一条记录操作。 3)如果要实现“用一条SQL语句,想通过视图同时往三个表中插入数据...
这样会抛出"Repeated column in mapping for entity"异常http://www.iteye.com/topic/786535 如果我们指定item_id字段值不能为null,那么在删除时会抛出如下异常: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not execute JDBC batch update··· Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Data truncation:...
原因一: 添加的外键列与另一个表的唯一索引列(一般是主键)的数据类型不同原因 二:要添加外键的表类型与另一个表的存储引擎是不是都为innodb引擎 #查看表引擎 法一: show create table 表名; 法二:show table status from数据库where name=‘表名’; 法 三:use information_schema; select table_catalog,ta...
tables in Access for each lookup column in the SharePoint view. However, when the update query runs, it first checks that all lookup columns have linked tables in the database for the underlying list. The update query doesn't check exclusively for the lookups that are part of the current ...
-> KEY column_4_idx (column_4) -> ) ENGINE INNODB; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) # And now we re-attempt to create the child table mysql> CREATE TABLE child ( -> id INT(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,drop table child; ...
I'm getting this error when trying to delete a user from the database, I know it's doing this because the user I'm trying to delete is a foreign key in the appointments table, but I don't know how to correct it or where I have gone wrong. Not sure if it changes anythi...
I'm getting the error in the subject line trying to update a record through my mvc app. I've tried adding [Bind(Exclude="ID")] to the httppost overload of the Edit action, as well as removing the HiddenFor(model => model.ID) input from the view, without any luck. ...
Are referenced and referencing column exactly of the same type ? Yes Question is simple: why cannot I create this foreign key ? UPDATE 1: I tried replacing ON DELETE CASCADE with ON DELETE RESTRICT and nothing changes, also I tried to remove ON DELETE and ON UPDATE an nothing changes mysql...
This macro creates linked tables in Access for each lookup column in the SharePoint view.Although the update query first checks that all lookup columns have linked tables in the database for the underlying list, it doesn't check exclusively for the lookups that are part of the current ...
这样会抛出"Repeated column in mapping for entity"异常http://www.iteye.com/topic/786535 如果我们指定item_id字段值不能为null,那么在删除时会抛出如下异常: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not execute JDBC batch update··· ...