1 在网上下载了MySQL-5.5.19压缩包,然后进行解压,得到安装文件,进行安装:2 在安装到最后一步,点击”execute“按钮时,出现错误cannot create windows service for mysql.error:0 3 解决方法:在桌面上找到“MyComputer“,右键选择“Manage”,然后选择”Service and Applications“,然后选择”services“,找到”...
装好之后发现无法通过notifier工具停止服务, 提示the service MySQL56 was not found in the windows se...
net stop msiserver ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 catroot2.old net start wuauserv net start cryptSvc net start bits net start msiserver shutdown /r /t 00 See if that service reports as starting. ...
Access denied when start and stop services running under Local Service account using ServiceController Access denied when writing to a file in a Windows Service Access folder path from web config file Access is denied problems with exe file for visual studio 2015 project Access Linux share path fro...
System.Windows Namespace System.Windows.Automation Namespace System.Windows.Automation.Peers Namespace System.Windows.Automation.Provider Namespace System.Windows.Automation.Text Namespace System.Windows.Browser Namespace System.Windows.Controls Namespace System.Windows.Controls.Pivot Namespace System....
Double-click on the MAIL key and set its value toSYS:MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\MAIL. You then need to create the key(s) that the MAIL key refers to. If this is a 32-bit machine, you'd need to use option A below. If this is 64-bit use option B: ...
Windows Security Windows Server End of Support (EoS) FAQ Windows Troubleshooters Installing Windows Updates, features, or roles Licensing and activation Setup, upgrades, and drivers Setup, upgrades, and drivers Driver installation or driver update Can't find the Microsoft Loo...
I have one device which cannot be synced since 2 month.I am getting the message: Sync cannot be initialized 0x80190194Any idea about this? Best...
Because of the error that we could not complete the install because an update service was shutting down, you are not able to update Windows 10 to the latest version. Encountering this error would be a sorrowful thing, but you are not alone. ...
Additionally, the following event is logged repeatedly in the Windows Application log: Console Time: 7/05/2016 2:20:24 PM ID: 4999 Level: Error Source: MSExchange Common Machine: MBX1.contoso.com Message: Watson report about to be sent for process id: 10472, with parameters:...