Jboss cannot start the application because of ConfigurationException: 'com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: CONFIGURATION FAILED! null': Raw ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost].[/FaceletsSample]] (HDScanner) Exception sending context initialized event to listener...
After deployment, the phone cannot open the app because “Its integrity could not be verified”. In VS, the error message is “Visual Studio cannot start the application because it was signed with a distribution provisioning profile.” I have created Developer provisioning profiles, manu...
我已经碰到两次这个问题了,第一次是重新安装了VS,后来得知一个方法可以快速修复,即重置VS2010 beta2的设置。 devenv /resetuserdata 然后就一切正常了。貌似是VS自己的一个bug。
appium测试Cannot start the ‘XXX‘ application报错,无法打开app,文章目录通过adblogcat抓取,能正常抓取到app包名和app启动后的activity,如果保证抓取正确,再看有没有报权限不足的异常,如果有那就是权限不足了,需要开发给打开的界面给一个export权限,可是这个权限
Uninstall and then reinstall the .NET Framework. The Klez virus is present on your computer. If your computer is infected with the Klez virus, the error "The application cannot start." might appear. It is recommended that you update your antivirus software and then scan your computer for vir...
没有人可以随随便便成功! 不知道是因为安装了Silverlight 4 Tools 还是 Office 2010 的缘故 今天VSTS 2010 无法启动了,启动提示 点“确定”关闭,看到了微软Connect 上说用下面的命令就可以。 devenv /resetsettings 使用这个命令之后,解决了问题,VSTS 2010 可以正常启动了。
loading a number of .dlls, creating the main window, etc. If any one of these operations encounters a critical exception from which it cannot recover (which means VS won’t be able to initialize properly), an error is raised and the user is presented with “The application cannot star...
VS2010 Beta2 出现Bug "The Application Cannot start!"解决方案,昨天走的急.本上有些东西没有保存就强制关机.早上一到打开Vs2010Beta2.报出:"TheApplicationcannotStart":TakePicture-截图:反复操作还是不行.在网上找到办法无法解决.不过看到一篇微软VisualStu