We recently updated to zabbix 3.4.11, and can only start zabbix-agent and zabbix-java-gateway. When trying to start zabbix-server I get the error: *Job for zabbix-server.service failed because a configured resourse limit was exceeded...* zabbix_server.log continuously reports: "*cannot open...
chown root:zabbix zabbix_agentd.conf chown root:zabbix zabbix_server.conf 再重启zabbix服务即可: systemctl restart zabbix-server
service zabbix_agentd start 使用的是kill命令,杀掉的只是zabbix-agent的主进程,zabbix-agent产生的子进程需要和主进程通信,所有每次杀掉一次,上面提到的共享信号会越来越多,超过阈值,就会出现重启或者开始不起来的情况,子进程也会变孤儿进程(虽然会被init回收没有危害)。 出现问题的主机,系统是centos7,service zabbi...
2019-12-17 16:01 −- name: install zabbix agent hosts: testserver remote_user: root vars: zabbixserver: "" tasks: - name: install repository of zab... michaelz0 0 202 zabbix 2019-12-23 20:48 −PV(Page View)访问量, 即页面浏览量或点击量,衡量网站用户访问的网页数量;在...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于cannot start service [Zabbix Agent]: [0x0000041D]的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及cannot start service [Zabbix Agent]: [0x0000041D]问答内容。更多cannot start service [Zabbix Agent]: [0x0000041D]相关解答可
解决Zabbix某台主机突然频繁告警"Zabbix agent on xxxxxx is unreachable for x minutes" 2019-12-20 08:43 −一、某台主机突然某一天频繁告警zabbix agent不可达 查看zabbix agent日志没有发现异常 二、查看zabbix server日志发现这台主机的日志有大量报错信息"first network error"以及"another network error" [...
ZBX-14660cannot start zabbix-server in Zabbix 3.4.11 Closed Activity Marco Aroldiadded a comment -2019 Jan 02 16:30 This is the startup piece: and this is the ending piece: 11218:20190103:170945.043 cannot connect to preprocessing service: Cannot connect to service"preprocessing": [2] No ...
可以看到是10050这个端口不通,然后回到服务端查看agent服务状态,看到原来没开启服务原因 开启agent服务 然后就没有报错了! ps -ef | grep zabbix-agent 看是否有zabbix-agent的进程。 再配置一下开机自启动agent服务 systemctl enable zabbix-agent.service
Zabbix-agent在Windows下安装报[8576]:ERROR:cannot connect to Service Manager:[0x00000005]错误的解决,zabbix-agent在Windows系统下安装时报如下错误刚开如一直没有找到错误的原因,后来发现是安装时没有用administrator造成的,后来用administrator权限去安装,问题解
超图FAQ: 1.执行以下命令确认zabbix-agent是否安装成功或者是否正常启动ps -ef | grep zabbix-agent 2....