I can't send texts to Android and some iPhone users on my M1 MBP. But I can on my iPhone 13 Pro Max. Just started today. What's going on? Is this an Apple server issue? Reply of 1 Suddenly cannot receive or send texts to Android phone on iPad Welcome to Apple Support Communit...
Messages sent to and from Android users will use SMS/MMS (green bubbles in the Messages app). This would require setting up the Text Message Forwarding feature to send/receive these on an iPad. With Text Message Forwarding, the SMS/MMS messages that you send and receive on an iPhone can ...
Cannot send or receive texts from my tablet 0 Likes Reply 1 Solution bill-e Cosmic Samsung Care Ambassador Options 07-04-2023 06:11 PM in Tablets Try This: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00083152/ ** If my response helps, please click...
OS is Android 13. There are no third party apps on the tablet. The tablet can send and receive SMS text and MMS messages. I have contacted Samsung Support three times, two agents have remoted into the tablet using Samsung Smart Tutor. None have fixed the problem. One insisted th...
we have connected "azure bot" to microsoft teams; however, during this 2 days some users unable to send message to the chatbot and obtain "You cannot...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\emulator\emulator.EXE -no-boot-anim -no-snapshot-load -avd pixel2pie90-api28 -prop monodroid.avdname=pixel2pie90-api_28 1>Waiting for runtime checks to completeemulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration! Please ensure ...
Summarize your bug Other players in my guild are unable to send me any of lightspeed bundle gifts, even if I didn't buy same bundle before. My account is seen as "ineligible" for the gift on the list.Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?
//cdnj1.com/" in allowed list. I check allowed, and it is not there, so I think due to this I'm not able to run my code. My code actually receive text, image or voice message from chatrace and genrate there response using openai and send back to chatrace. and whatsapp API is...
I first noticed the issue when trying to send a .JPG from Teams-->to Remote Assist in the Chat bubble. Unfortunately the .JPG does not pop-up in the mixed reality space during Remote Assist (like .PDFs), and the alternative method of accessing the file...
If an email or text message looks suspicious, don’t open any attachments or click on the links. Verify urgent requests or unsolicited emails, messages or phone calls before you respond If you receive a message or a phone call asking for immediate action and don't know the sender, it coul...