autocadopensaveviruscad打开 autocad无法打开或另存为(AutoCADcannotopenorsaveas)CADcannotopenorsaveasinputfilediavalue1CADopenfileerror:thelistofinputdefects,howtosolve?Canyoupointindetail,manyonlinesearchIcannotfindtheviews:1137rewardpoints:10time:2011-2-1712:32||questionger:qhq135Onlinesearchofthefollowing...
On occasion, the indexing repeatedly causes this error with AutoCAD drawings. Cloud Storage Syncing Issues: Do a Save As and see if the file saves to the desktop. If it still shows the error, copy everything in the drawing to clipboard and paste it into a ...
Have you changed something in your System (Mac OS) since you installed AutoCAD?Could you save as PDF from other applications on your Mac?Have you tried Batch print to PDF?And do you have all Service Packs (including the last SP 2) installed on your Mac?Maxim Do you find the pos...
At this point I get the same message and when I try to run an audit, AutoCAD crashes with the following message... This will happen sometimes as I attempt to save as well. I separated the file into sections and managed to get them to save, thus shrinking the file size. A few of ...
优化AutoCAD 图形文件:Wblock Purge 使用PURGEAECDATA 从AutoCAD Architecture 和 Civil 3D 中删除 AEC 对象。请参见删除不可见的 AEC 数据 - PURGEAECDATA 命令 有时,可以通过先将 DWG 另存为 DXF,然后打开 DXF,然后再 SAVEAS 重新保存为 DWG 来清除块。 使用第三方产品或 LISP 删除块。另...
Check "Mark as resolved" for this size" and close the dialog box. Save the spec. In AutoCAD Plant 3D execute command PLANTSPECUPDATECHECK. OR Remove the mandatory property in the compound joint. Open Project Setup and switch to the node ...
I use AutoCAD to draw a random drawing and save it as DWG. The DXF file generated by running DWG 2dxf cannot be opened by AutoCAD. If you open it with notpad + +, you will see a lot of black "NUL". There is no such "NUL" in DXF generated by AutoCAD....
File> Save as other> Optimized PDF. Saving as an optimized pdf and choosing to discard and clean up anything you don't need should reduce the size and might help with the other issues you are having. Votes 2 Upvotes Translate Translate Report Report Reply Bruce38484837ex0p New Here , Jul...
In the new sheet, we have entered a new row successfully. Insert data as needed. Copy the data range of this sheet by pressingCtrl + Cagain. Return to the main sheet and paste the copied data by pressingCtrl + Vin place of the previous data range. ...
I know this is an old thread, and I don't have an answer as to why this is happening, BUT - this kept happening to me, too, and the workaround I used was to save out the illustrator file as a print-quality PDF, and then open that in Photoshop and save as ...