Cannotruntargetcompiler'/Applications/'.Output 造成上面错误的原因是因为Qt版本太低,而XCode版本太高所导致 修改toolchain.prf !equals(ec, 0): qtCompilerError($$QMAKE_CXX, $$output) 改为下面 !uikit:!equals(ec, 0): qt...
3.原工程使用lang编译器生成的 其中clang编译器可能有些小伙伴比较陌生 Clang编译器是由APPLE公司的编译器大牛Chris Lattner主导下编写的,其目标是替换大名鼎鼎的GCC编译器;从XCODE4开始,也就是 Mac OS X 10.6版本系统上,Apple 宣布停止更新GCC编译器,这样GCC停留在GCC4.2版本,并建议大家使用LLVM Compiler 2.0(LLVM-...
Project ERROR: Cannot run target compiler '/Applications/'. Output: === Maybe you forgot to setup the environment? 解决 找到这个文件,并打开 Qt5.15/5.15.1/ios/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf 第202行 !equals(ec, 0):...
either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the script phase. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
error: failed to run custom build command foresp-idf-sys v0.35.0 Caused by: process didn't exit successfully:C:\espt12\target\release\build\esp-idf-sys-b6269cda32b60966\build-script-build(exit code: 101) --- stdout cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=ESP_IDF_TOOLS_INSTALL_DIR ...
It fails with the following output: Change Dir: C:/src/github/stackoverflow-lld-link-clang_rt/build-vscmd/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp Run Build Command(s):C:/ProgramData/chocolatey/bin/ninja.exe cmTC_54dcc && [1/2] Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_54dcc.dir/testCCompiler.c...
To check whether the code is offloading to GPU or CPU, we need to set LIBOMPTARGET_DEBUG to 1. set LIBOMPTARGET_DEBUG=1 Now, run the executable(usingDLL.exe). It will generate debug information through which we can know whether the GPU offloading is done o...
可执行文件 add_executable(MyExample...simple_example.cpp) #设置链接生成的库文件的名称 target_link_libraries(MyExample PRIVATE MyLibExample) 场景二,复杂工程--...指定编译时的工具链 toolchain.cmake样例 #设定目标操作系统的名称 set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Windows) #设定编译器 set(CMA...
Xcode 9 使用 LLVM 混淆器会提示错误: clang: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files 通过对比编译参数发现是 Xcode 9 多了一个编译参数 -index-store-path ,解决的方法是在 Build Settings 里搜索 index store,设置成 No 就可以了,如下图所示... 查看原文 Clang学习历程 概述 ...