ERROR Cannot resolve vue-i18n on pnpm! please install it on 'node_modules' │ at tryResolve (/D:/GitRepo/serverless/frontend-monorepo/node_modules/.pnpm/@nuxtjs+i18n@8.0.0-beta.10_vue@3.2.47/node_modules/@nuxtjs/i18n/dist/module.mjs:116:9) │ at async setupAlias (/D:/GitRepo/serv...
package-manager=pnpm # Do not run build scripts of dependencies ignore-scripts=true # Enable shared node_modules at the root node-linker=hoisted # Ensure the root node_modules is used for all sub-projects shared-workspace-lockfile=true # Avoid duplicating dependencies in sub-projects hoist-patter...
npm cache clean--force 删除node_modules和package-lock.json:在项目目录中,删除node_modules文件夹以及package-lock.json文件。然后重新运行npm install来重新安装项目的依赖项。 检查项目的依赖关系:有时候,项目的依赖关系可能不正确或不一致,导致 npm 出现问题。确保项目的package.json文件中的依赖项定义正确,并且没...
17 PM - /rbd/pnpm-volume/fecfd883-23bb-487e-9008-ae0159a7315a/node_modules/ 8:17 PM Jump To- /app/main.js 8:17 PM at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:610:15) 8:17 PM at...
I have bisected the breaking commit to:96aa4bc The root causeseemsto be this: pnpm/pkg-manager/resolve-dependencies/src/resolvePeers.ts Lines 437 to 445 in9cfee8f if(ctx.peerDependencyIssues.missing[peerName]==null){ ctx.peerDependencyIssues.missing[peerName]=[] ...
ERR_PNPM_SPEC_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_ANY_RESOLVER del-cli@^5.1.0, isn't supported by any available resolver. Removing the,from yourpnpm-workspace.yamlwill help resolve the issue: del-cli: ^5.1.0,
Just adding here that with a project using the PNPM package manager. This solution does not appear to work. Probably has something to do with it's virtual file system. SimonPrato11 commented Feb 8, 2024 Hey everyone. amp-context and head-manager-context are imported dynamically by next/hea...
Environment Operating System: Darwin Node Version: v18.20.4 Nuxt Version: 3.13.0 CLI Version: 3.16.0 Nitro Version: 2.9.7 Package Manager: pnpm@9.5.0 Builder: - User Config: default Runtime Modules: - Build Modules: - Reproduction Simply...
Environment My local Operating System: Windows_NT Node Version: v18.17.1 Nuxt Version: 3.7.0 CLI Version: 3.7.3 Nitro Version: 2.6.2 Package Manager: pnpm@8.5.1 Builder: - User Config: modules, image, vite, extends, experimental, routeRu...
you can use the edge-version 8.0.0-beta.7-27847653.226e24b In installed that... now I get Cannot start nuxt: Cannot resolve vue-i18n on pnpm! please install it on 'node_modules' I fixed this by adding a .npmrc file with shamefully-hoist=true in the root folder Collaborator kazupon ...