我一开始认为是yml配置别名包有问题,毕竟系统报的错误是没有找到对应实体类 mybatis:# mapper配置文件mapper-locations:classpath:mapper/*.xml# resultType别名,没有这个配置resultType包名要写全,配置后只要写类名type-aliases-package:com.example.demo.com.mashang.dao configuration:log-impl:org.apache.ibatis.log...
【Idea】互相依赖的maven项目,突然提示 Cannot Resolve Symbol XXX,且报红 原本好好的项目,突然打开报红了原因: maven项目遇到这类问题基本上是两方面的原因,类对应的依赖没有加载进来、编译器自身的设置和缓存问题。经确认是第二类,存在本地缓存的问题,清理掉就可以了 【File】--- 【invalidateCaches/Restart】 ...
implementation "androidx.room:room-runtime:$room_version" annotationProcessor "androidx.room:room-compiler:$room_version" 官网地址: https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage/room?hl=zh-cn
How to resolve $(UserRootDir) and $(VCTargetsPath) macros in VS2010 project files (.vcxproj) how to resolve fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdio.h': No such file or directory how to resolve unresolved externals ? How to resolve: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "pub...
IDEA 导入 Maven 项目后报错 cannot resolve symbol 解决办法 2019-09-28 17:22 −这两天整理项目,导入新的 Maven 项目时出现 cannot resolve symbol ,即使 rebuild 也没有用。解决办法如下: 1. File -> Close Project; 2. Import Project之后,在右侧 Maven->Maven ... ...
错误:Cannot Resolve Symbol XXX处理办法 问题描述: 无法识别同一个package里的其他类,将其显示为红色,但是语法没有问题。鼠标放上去后提示异常“Cannot resolve symbol XXX”,重启软件没有用。 解决方法: 点击菜单中的 File ---Invalidate Caches / Restart,然后点击对话框中的 Inv... spring...
OPENING VISUAL BASIC 6.0, DAO350.DLL, and "unexpected error; quitting" operand type clash table type is incompatible with int while passing parameter to stored procedure Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT)) Out of Memory... when displaying Images Out parameter in c# ...
将系统生成的resultType标签换成resultMap标签就可以解决Cannot resolve symbol 'XXXX’异常(标签查询不到异常)了 SELECT orders.order_id, orders.order_num, orders.create_time, orders_dtl.order_dtl_id, orders_dtl.product_id, orders_dtl.product_name, orders...
OPENING VISUAL BASIC 6.0, DAO350.DLL, and "unexpected error; quitting" operand type clash table type is incompatible with int while passing parameter to stored procedure Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT)) Out of Memory... when displaying Images Out parameter in c# ...
How to resolve $(UserRootDir) and $(VCTargetsPath) macros in VS2010 project files (.vcxproj) how to resolve fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdio.h': No such file or directory how to resolve unresolved externals ? How to resolve: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "pub...