当你在编程中遇到“cannot resolve symbol log”的错误时,这通常意味着编译器无法识别名为“log”的符号。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,基于你提供的提示: 1. 确认"log"的上下文 首先,需要明确log是在什么上下文中被使用的。如果log是用于日志记录的,那么它很可能是某个日志库中的一部分,如Log4j、SLF4J、Logback等。
mybatis:# mapper配置文件mapper-locations:classpath:mapper/*.xml# resultType别名,没有这个配置resultType包名要写全,配置后只要写类名type-aliases-package:com.example.demo.com.mashang.dao configuration:log-impl:org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl map-underscore-to-camel-case:true 但是反复确认后,...
解决方法: IDEA报错,注解标红,提示Cannot resolve symbol xxx 的解决办法 选择file,然后再选择Invalidate Caches/Restart 清除缓存并重启IDEA 重启之后,点击pom.xml,右键选择maven ,reimport ,依然未果的话选择重启电脑 如果上述办法依然报错的话,可以检查setting中的关于maven的配置,查看maven home directory的路径,user ...
I've created a simple sbt-based Scala project that includes scalalogging as a dependency.For some reason this project can be successfully compiled and run using sbt 13, but IDEA 14 & Scala plugin issue the following errors: Cannot resolve method Logger.apply Cannot resolve symbol println ...
idea新建的springBoot项目,自动生成的入口类中提示错误Cannot resolve symbol '@springbootapplication' Cannot resolve symbol '@springbootapplication'解决方法 今天自己搭建了一个十分简单的springBoot项目,用的maven做jar包的管理工具,但是项目初始化完成后自动生成的入口类提示有错误,Cannot resolve symbol '@springboot...
Cannot resolve symbol ‘WebServlet‘ java项目报错 Cannot resolve symbol 'WebServlet' 导入包import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; 引入Java EE 下载 完成智能推荐设计模式六大原则 1.设计模式的目的 设计模式是为了更好的代码重用性,可读性,可靠性,可维护性。 2.常用的六大设计模式 1)单一职责原则 2...
When I try logging in from my MacBook (Xcode), everything works fine, but logging in from VS 2022 fails. I receive the error message: “Authentication service is unavailable.” I tried uninstalling and reinstalling VS, but that did not resolve the issue. I als...
symbol : variable Logger location: class com.cpc.atp.utils.CodeMapper static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CodeMapper.class); ^ C:\Documents and Settings\jarrod.littlejohn\.dtc\3\DCs\mycomp.com\em\theapp\web\_comp\source\com\cpc\atp\utils\ConfigureLogging.java:27: cannot resolve symbol ...
package okhttp3.internal.http does not exist package okhttp3.internal.tls does not exist package okhttp3.logging does not exist package okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor does not exist package okio does not exist package okio does not exist package okio does not exist cannot find symbol ...
Created a brand new project with react-native init . The same error does not happen with create-react-native-app in the same machine. After all is setup, opening android studio, first error is import com.android cannot resolve symbol 'an...