“cannot resolve symbol ”意思是不能解决的符号,你程序出现的错误是类JFO没导入,而且也没定义。所以程序会报错。
symbol : class WindowAdaptor location: class EditorPaneFrame addWindowListener(new WindowAdaptor() ^ EditorPaneFrame.java:45: cannot resolve symbol symbol : method addActionListner (<anonymous java.awt.event.ActionListener> location: class javax.swing.JButton ...
JPanel left = new JPanel(); JPanel right = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 0)); top.add(jcbDay); top.add(jcbMonth); top.add(jcbYear); top.add(lblTime); top.add(tfTime); mid.add(lblData); mid.add(tfData); sp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 170)); left.add(sp); right...
JPanel foreground2; JLabel lblName; JTextField tfName; JLabel lblAddress; JTextArea taAddress; JLabel lblNumber; JTextField tfNumber; JLabel lblOther; JTextArea taOther; JLabel lblGuestNo; JComboBox guestNoCombo; JLabel lblKidNo; JComboBox kidNoCombo; JLabel lblInvite; JComboBox inviteComb...
private JLabel labelEmail; private JLabel labelPhone; //panels private JPanel panelDisplay; private JPanel panelNav; private JPanel panelSearch; //constructor public ManageContacts() { //super ("Manage Contacts"); //make database connection cQ = new ContactQueries(); }//close constructor /...
Hi friends i am getting the error cannot find symbol for the code below,just cant figure out where is the problem,can someone please help me out asap. Hope to get a solution very soon.thankyou very much:)