GitHub ReadMe, and later by following some of the examples here in the Community postings. The instructions are not hard to follow, yet my @BindView annotation was always underlined in red, revealing an error. Trying to run my program resulted in an error of: Cannot resolve symbol BindView...
IDEA报错,注解标红,提示Cannot resolve symbol xxx 的解决办法 选择file,然后再选择Invalidate Caches/Restart 清除缓存并重启IDEA 重启之后,点击pom.xml,右键选择maven ,reimport ,依然未果的话选择重启电脑 如果上述办法依然报错的话,可以检查setting中的关于maven的配置,查看maven home directory的路径,user setting fil...
Visual Studio will often compile and run as expected in the situation as it chooses one of the DLLs to bind to. However ReSharper gets massively confused. For me this should be a ReSharper error that it asks you to resolve rather than just going bonkers. UPDATE: I ran into this two ...
Image无法使用bindContextMenu 如何设置Tabs的末尾由透明到不透明的渐变效果 Image组件如何实现双指手势放大 如何在List组件中监听滚动条到底端的事件 SideBarContainer如何设置controlButton属性 如何监听屏幕旋转 如何设置窗口旋转 父组件如何与孙子组件进行状态同步 Js如何定义callback函数 组件需要多次更新时如...
针对你提出的“cannot resolve symbol 'datatypeconverter'”问题,以下是几种可能的解决方案: 检查导入语句: 确保你的代码中已经正确导入了DatatypeConverter类。如果你使用的是Java 8或更早版本,通常的导入语句如下: java import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; 确认项目依赖: 如果你的项目中缺少必要的库或依赖...
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, final int position) { viewHolder.getPackageName().setText( mCustomUsageStatsList.get(position).usageStats.getPackageName()); long lastTimeUsed = mCustomUsageStatsList.get(position).usageStats.getLastTimeUsed(); ...
mvn clean install 成功了,项目是从master拉出来的可以确定没有问题,但是就是有一些包找不到,报错: Cannot resolve symbol 'XXX', 最后更新maven helper的plugin同时点击maven的刷新解决了这个问题:... Cannot resolve org.mybatis:mybatis:3.4.5 最近看黑马的SSM框架视频的时候注意到了这个给问提 maven工程无法导...
How to resolve: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static void * How to retrieve byte array from clipboard? How to route std::cout and std::cerr to the Inmediate Window in the IDE of Visual Studio 2017? How to run a C++ application on a Computer without Visual Studio C+...
but after add glide by Gradle, I got error:Cannot resolve symbol 'GlideApp' My source: packagecom.example.quangson.glidesvg;;importandroid.os.Bundle;importstaticcom.bumptech.glide.load.resource.drawable.DrawableTransitionOptions.withCrossFade;