“cannot resolve symbol ”意思是不能解决的符号,你程序出现的错误是类JFO没导入,而且也没定义。所以程序会报错。
1、为了找出原因,新建一个activity。2、确保布局、资源文件没错,然后rebuild。R文件仍然找不到,那么就需要深入排查,深入排查修改项目下的build.gradle中的buildscript-> dependencies->classpath 的值。3、新建一个新的项目,复制那个值(其实就是当前使用的Android studio版本)到这里,然后rebuild。4、...
{publicvoidactionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if(urlStack.size() <=1)return; try { // get URL from back button urlStack.pop(); // show URL in text field String urlString = (String)urlStack.peek(); url.setText(urlString);
( ActionEvent e) { getAppletContext(); Frame f = new Frame ("Exam App"); Dialog d = new Dialog(f, "Form Submitted", false); d.setVisible(true); showStatus("Form Submitted!"); } //load dialog here } public boolean imUpdate(Image img, int flags, int x, int y,int width, int...
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (ae.getSource() == showBtn) { showData(); } else if (ae.getSource() == addBtn) { addData(); } else if (ae.getSource() == editBtn) { editData(); } else { deleteData(); } } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie) { if (...
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { //Get the name and address into a string inputName = glist.tfName.getText(); inputAddress = glist.taAddress.getText(); //Get the number and convert it to an int String num = glist.tfNumber.getText(); number = Integer.parseInt( num ); /...
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object eveniment = e.getSource(); String command = e.getActionCommand(); if (command.equals("Browse")) { FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this, "Browse", FileDialog.LOAD); //stabilim directorul curent fd.setDirectory("."); //specificam filt...