如标题所示,okhttp封装时,提示 cannot resolve method OkHttpClient setConnectTimeout() 函数,有遇到这样现象的朋友吗? 原因:因使用的是 okhttp3 jar, 3.2.0, okhttp3.0中引入啦大量的builder,修改调用格式: M_OK_HTTP_CLIENT.newBuilder().connectTimeout(30,TimeUnit.SECONDS);...
Android Studio出现Cannot resolve symbol 'HttpClient'提示 Cannot resolve symbol 'HttpClient' 解决方法 Cannot resolve symbol ‘HttpClient’ 一般都是往lib里面导入HttpClient的jar包 下载地址. 地址过去如图。 解决方法 1在build.gradl... 查看原文 Cannot resolve symbol ‘xxx‘ ...
升级新版本studio后,老项目使用useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'找不到HttpClient等apache相关的网络请求类,但是项目依然可以运行、打包。 尝试清缓存、删除studio缓存等多种方法仍无效,后来在网上看到在dependencies中添加相关依赖尝试后代码引用正常,特此记录。使用compileOnly(只在编译时生效)添加不影响打包体积,具体引...
明明引入了import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;但as显示该引用未被使用。 JSONObject jsonObject= JSON.parseObject(data);的时候,as将parseObject标红,表示无法识别进行处理。 原因:由于在该活动内涉及httpClient进行网络通信,其中已经对JSON进行了定义,这与fastjson的JSON冲突,当涉及JSON的时候系统自动使用该定义导致无法引...
The following method did not exist:'void org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration.parsePendingMethods(boolean)'The calling method's class, com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.MybatisMapperAnnotationBuilder, was loaded from the following location:jar:file:/D:/tool_zip/maven/repositories/com/baomidou/mybatis...
ASP.NET MVC - Javascript onbeforeunload - when select leave the page a method should run before the page close or redirect to other URL Asp.net MVC @foreach (var item in Model) with only one iteration ASP.NET MVC 5 - How to get Select Option Value ASP.NET MVC 5 - how to pass a...
Basically, it's not an exception produced by RestSharp, it's what HttpClient does, so if you use HttpClient directly, you will get the same issue. The workaround using a delegating handler is equally applicable for RestSharp as you can supply a delegating handler in client options. ...
Resources(ResourceEndpointHandler.java:528) at de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.server.endpoints.ResourceEndpoint.resolveRequest(ResourceEndpoint.java:279) at de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.server.endpoints.ResourceEndpoint.handleRequest(ResourceEndpoint.java:216) at de.captaingoldfish.scim.sdk.server.endpoints....
TypeInitializationException occured in mscorlib.dll [C#] Regex - Best Validation of Domain? [C#] Upload pictures with HttpClient - data not sending correctly [C#]conversion from time to double [Help] Get the target path of shortcut (.lnk) [IndexOutOfRangeException: There is no row at ...
Windows 10 64bit I've upgraded from previous release and now I can't launch the IDE. I get the following error; Cannot load a JDK class:...